Note: <0.5.2 is unstable. This version is the most stable
A simple, portable webcomponent on the go. Heavily inspired by Lit
It dosen't uses shadow dom, directly exposing HTMLElement class, and some reactive objects!
The difference? (comparing to Lit)
- Since we dosen't use shadow dom, the
static Elemxx.css
object has:me
Or, you can even use your own styling processor, and replace your own directive with
- We use event-based object (without using EventEmitter) to make it reactive. Like, getter and setters, and simple array of listening event functions. We do have cleanup for those events
// define & extend your class from Elemxx
// add the Track object here
areYouOk = this.track("yes, i am!")
// so, whenever you want to print to console
// everytime it was changed, you can do this>{console.log(v)})
// alternatively, you can access the value directly
// now, you can change it like this.
// It would trigger the events that we put earlier
this.areYouOk.value = "no, im not 😭"
// close the class
Consider looking the
interface type in ./index.ts
Your element is ok! Dosen't really isolated from HTMLElement bindings
Webcomponent replacement functions and objects! (no need for
super[function here]()
)- Instead of
, you can useonMount
- Instead of
, you can useonUnmount
- Instead of
(string[]) observedAttributes
, you can useattrList
- Instead of
, you can use({[key:string]:Track<string|null>}) attrs
and listen usingattrs["<attribute name>"].watch((value)=>{})
- Instead of
(boolean) isConnected
, you can use(boolean) mounted
. It would be changed during mount changes
- Instead of
You can use the raw version of ./index.js by downloading it (don't forget to obtain the ./LICENSE file 😉), or use the Github CDN
Also, no
. since we use jsr:@deno/emit to transpileindex.ts
For npm
$ npx jsr add @dunno/elemxx
For Yarn
Note: You need to upgrade to v4+, because when installing Yarn, the distribution for Linux only sticks to v1 (thats why the
command dosent found)$ yarn upgrade
$ yarn dlx jsr add @dunno/elemxx
For pnpm
$ pnpm dlx jsr add @dunno/elemxx
For Bun
$ bunx jsr add @dunno/elemxx
For Deno
$ deno add jsr:@dunno/elemxx
// replace /path/to/elemxx/index.js with the imported elemxx module
import { Elemxx } from "/path/to/elemxx/index.js";
// define simple sleep function, instead of nesting in setTimeout
const sleep = (ms)=>new Promise((res, _)=>setTimeout(res, ms))
// make the new typing elem
class TypingAnim extends Elemxx {
// this would make a new Track object called `this.attrs.sentence`
static attrList = ["sentence"]
// track the text
sentence = ""
_text = this.track("")
// this will stop the animation if set otherwise
_anim = this.track(true)
// the css style
static css = `
@keyframes blinkTextCursor {
from{color: black;}
to{color: transparent;}
// the :me is a special directive to reference itself
// since elemxx dosent use shadow dom
:me {
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
:me > h2 {
text-shadow: gray 0px 1px 1px;
:me > h2 > span.cursor {
animation: blinkTextCursor 0.8s steps(44) infinite normal;
constructor() {
// since `this.attrs` dosent cleaned when unmounted, we put them in here
// so it dosent re-trigger on mount changes
// by the way, this only listen. Dosent trigger once>{
// if elem isnt mounted, return
if (!this.mounted) return
// we need to require users to use the `sentence` attribute
if (value===null) throw new TypeError("attribute `sentence` is required")
// set to our own sentence object
this.sentence = value
render() {
// create new header text
const h2 = document.createElement("h2")
// create new span (for text)
const animText = document.createElement("span")
// add to header
// create new span (for cursor)
const cursor = document.createElement("span")
// add cursor class so the CSS pick up
cursor.innerText = "|"
// add to header
// set innerText once, and listen to set innerText again
// (just like doWhile without looping)
this._text.observe((text) => {
animText.innerText = text
const button = document.createElement("button")
button.addEventListener("click", () => this._toggle())
// set the button text and trigger animation if true, and listen to set that again
// (just like doWhile without looping)
this._anim.observe((v) => {
button.innerText = v ? "Stop animation" : "Play animation"
if (v) this._triggerAnim()
// add header to :me
// add button to :me
// if mounted, render the element
onMount () {
// if unmounted, stop the animation
onUnmount () {
this._anim.value = false
// trigger animation
async _triggerAnim() {
while (this._anim.value) {
const sentence = this.sentence
await sleep(2000)
for (let i = 0; i <= sentence.length; i++) {
this._text.value = sentence.substring(0, i)
await sleep(150)
if (!this._anim.value) return
await sleep(3000)
if (!this._anim) return
for (let i = sentence.length; i >= 0; i--) {
this._text.value = sentence.substring(0, i)
await sleep(50)
if (!this._anim.value) return
await sleep(500)
if (!this._anim.value) return
// toggle the animation to play/stop
_toggle() {
this._anim.value = !this._anim.value
customElements.define("typing-anim", TypingAnim)
<!-- add the script -->
<script type="module" src="/path/to/script.js"></script>
<!-- add our custom elem -->
<typing-anim sentence="Hello World"></typing-anim>
Quote from the founder
Quote from vintheweirdass (founder of this package)
"For decorators: idk for nodejs users. Since i use Deno, it was enabled automatically. If nodejs users wants to volunteer on this, sure :)"
import { Elemxx } from "@dunno/elemxx";
import { css, define } from "@dunno/elemxx/decorators";
:me {
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
font-size: larger;
export class SimpleHello extends Elemxx {
override onMount (){
// create new span
const span = document.createElement("span")
// add text to span
span.innerText = "hello everyone!"
// add span to :me