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HOL step-by-step - Migrating Oracle to

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Microsoft Cloud Workshops

Migrating Oracle to PostgreSQL
Hands-on lab step-by-step
February 2022

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Migrating Oracle to PostgreSQL hands-on lab step-by-step

Abstract and learning objectives

In this hands-on lab, you implement a proof of concept (POC) for conducting a site analysis for a customer to compare cost, performance, and level of effort required to migrate from Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL. You evaluate the dependent applications and reports that need to be updated and come up with a migration plan. Also, you help the customer take advantage of new PostgreSQL features to improve performance and resiliency.

At the end of this hands-on lab, you will be better able to design and build a database migration plan and implement any required application changes associated with changing database technologies.


Wide World Importers (WWI) has experienced significant growth in the last few years. As the size of their data grows, they have started to experience issues with their existing Oracle OLTP database, including complex upgrade processes, complex licensing, and even a major failure caused by an overflowing audit table.

The WWI CIO has learned of the many benefits that Azure Database for PostgreSQL provides, including AD support, simple pricing, high performance, and high availability. She is also excited about the many similarities between PL/SQL and PL/pgSQL, since that will reduce the migration effort significantly.

WWI's CIO would like a POC of an OLTP database migration and proof that the new technology will make her company's operations faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

Solution architecture

Below is a diagram of the solution architecture you build in this lab. Please study this carefully, so you understand the whole of the solution as you are working on the various components.

This solution diagram is divided into Microsoft Azure and on-premises. Azure Database for PostgreSQL serves as the primary OLTP database with support for the efficient analysis of JSON data. It is also possible to use the Hyperscale (Citus) offering. Citus supports high availability, which entails pairing two instances to serve as a single node. When one of the instances fails, the other instance--which is kept up to date--is substituted automatically. Logs generated by PostgreSQL's standard logging tools and pgAudit will be stored in Azure Monitor, a tool which allows the analysis of logging data. As for on-premises components, the API app for vendor connections, the Web App for Internet Sales Transactions, and the ASP.NET Core App for inventory management reside locally. BI developers will continue to use Excel and Power BI for reporting.

The solution begins by installing and using ora2pg to assess the task of migrating the Oracle XE database supporting the application to Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Then, the tool will be used to migrate the table schema without indexes or constraints to the target. ora2pg will migrate the data to the landing zone. Lastly, remaining objects, including stored procedures and views, will be modified and exported to PostgreSQL through ora2pg. At this point, we will need to modify the MVC application. The first step is to create new entity models. Then, we will scaffold controllers and views from the new models. Lastly, we will use Visual Studio 2019 to deploy the modified app to Azure App Service.


  • Microsoft Azure subscription must be pay-as-you-go or MSDN.

    • Trial subscriptions will not work.
  • A virtual machine configured with Visual Studio 2019 Community edition.

    Note: If you find that your Visual Studio 2019 VM image comes with Visual Studio 2017, and not 2019, you will need to manually install 2019 Community from here. Ensure that the ASP.NET and web development and Azure development Workloads are enabled for your installation.

Exercise 1: Setup Oracle 21c Express Edition

Duration: 45 minutes

In this exercise, you will load a sample database supporting the application. Ensure that you installed Oracle XE, Oracle Data Access Components, and Oracle SQL Developer, as detailed in the Before the Hands-on Lab documents.

Task 1: Create the Northwind database in Oracle 21c XE

WWI has provided you with a copy of their application, including a database script to create their Oracle database. They have asked that you use this as a starting point for migrating their database and application to Azure SQL DB. In this task, you will create a connection to the Oracle database on your Lab VM.

  1. Launch SQL Developer from the C:\Tools\sqldeveloper path from earlier. In the Database Connection window, select Create a Connection Manually.

    Manual connection creation in Oracle SQL Developer.

  2. Provide the following parameters to the New / Select Database Connection window. Select Connect when you are complete.

    • Name: Northwind
    • Username: system
    • Password: Password set in the ARM template
    • Keep the Details at their defaults.

    Northwind connection in SQL Developer.

  3. Once the connection completes, select the Open File icon (1). Navigate to C:\handsonlab\MCW-Migrating-Oracle-to-Azure-SQL-and-PostgreSQL-master\Hands-on lab\lab-files\starter-project\Oracle Scripts\ Then, execute the DDL statements (2).

    Execute schema creation script in SQL Developer.

  4. Right-click the Northwind connection and select Properties. Then, edit the Username to NW, and the Password to oracledemo123. Select Connect. Note that you may be asked to enter the password again.

  5. In the Open File dialog, navigate to C:\handsonlab\MCW-Migrating-Oracle-to-Azure-SQL-and-PostgreSQL-master\Hands-on lab\lab-files\starter-project\Oracle Scripts, select the file, and then select Open.

  6. As you did previously, run the script. Note that SQL Developer provides an output pane to view any errors.

    Script output of the second Northwind database script.

  7. Repeat steps 7 - 8, replacing the file name in step 26 with each of the following:



      • During the Execute script step for this file, you will need to execute each CREATE OR REPLACE statement independently.

      • Using your mouse, select the first statement, starting with CREATE and going to END. Then, run the selection, as highlighted in the image.

      The first statement between CREATE and END is highlighted, along with the selection execution button.

      • Repeat this for each of the remaining CREATE OR REPLACE... END; blocks in the script file (there are 7 more to execute, for 8 total).

      Important: This query can take several minutes to run, so make sure you wait until you see the Commit complete message.

  8. After you finish running these scripts, validate that the database objects were created. The image below demonstrates the Tables and the Views created by the script.

    Presenting the tables and views generated by the Oracle scripts.

Task 2: Configure the Starter Application to use Oracle

In this task, you will add the necessary configuration to the NorthwindMVC solution to connect to the Oracle database you created in the previous task.

  1. On your LabVM, navigate to C:\handsonlab\MCW-Migrating-Oracle-to-Azure-SQL-and-PostgreSQL-master\Hands-on lab\lab-files\starter-project. Launch NorthwindMVC.sln.

    Launch NorthwindMVC.sln from the downloaded lab files.

  2. If you are prompted to choose a particular version of Visual Studio, select Visual Studio 2019 and continue.

  3. As this is your first time opening Visual Studio 2019 on the LabVM, you will be prompted to enter the email address of your Visual Studio account. Enter it and proceed to the following steps.

  4. In Visual Studio on your LabVM, select Build from the menu, then select Build Solution.

    Build Solution is highlighted in the Build menu in Visual Studio.

  5. Open the appsettings.json file in the NorthwindMVC project by double-clicking the file in the Solution Explorer, on the right-hand side in Visual Studio.

  6. In the appsettings.json file, locate the ConnectionStrings section, and verify the connection string named OracleConnectionString matches the values you have used in this hands-on lab:

    DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/XE;PASSWORD=oracledemo123;USER ID=NW
    "ConnectionStrings": {
       "OracleConnectionString": "DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/XE;PASSWORD=oracledemo123;USER ID=NW"
  7. Run the solution by selecting the green IIS Express button on the Visual Studio toolbar. Trust the IIS self-signed certificate.

    IIS Express is selected on the toolbar.

  8. You should see the Northwind Traders Dashboard load in your browser. If you are unable to see the dashboard chart, try downloading a browser like Microsoft Edge to facilitate your viewing.

    The Northwind Traders Dashboard is visible in a browser.

  9. Close the browser to stop debugging the application, and return to Visual Studio.

Exercise 2: Assess the Oracle 21c Database before Migrating to PostgreSQL

Duration: 15 minutes

In this exercise, you will prepare the existing Oracle database for its migration to PostgreSQL. Preparation involves two main steps. The first step is to update the database statistics. Statistics about the database become outdated as data volumes and activity change over time. Second, you will need to identify invalid objects in the Oracle database. The migration utility will not migrate invalid objects.

Task 1: Update Statistics and Identify Invalid Objects

  1. Create a new SQL script by pressing the New button at the upper left-hand corner of the application and selecting SQL File. Title the new file UpdateStatistics.sql.

  2. Paste the following statements into the file and run the file.

    -- 21c script

    Note: This script can take over one minute to run. Ensure that you receive confirmation that the script has executed successfully.

  3. Create a new file titled FindInvalid.sql.

  4. Now, we will utilize a query that lists database objects that are invalid and unsupported by the ora2pg utility. It is recommended to fix any errors and compile the objects before starting the migration process.

    SELECT owner, object_type, object_name
    FROM all_objects
    WHERE status = 'INVALID';

    Note: You should not see any invalid objects. If you have invalid objects, right-click on the correct folder and compile.

    The image shows how a user should fix invalid objects.

Exercise 3: Prepare to Migrate the Oracle database to PostgreSQL

Duration: 60 minutes

In this exercise, you will create an assessment report that outlines the difficulty of the migration process.

Task 1: Prepare the PostgreSQL instance using pgAdmin

In this task, we will create the new application user and create the NW database.

  1. Launch pgAdmin and enter your master password.

  2. Under the Quick Links section of the Dashboard, there is the option to Add New Server. When selected, the Create - Server dialog box will open.

  3. Under the General tab, enter a name for your connection.

    Screenshot showing how to enter the connection name.

  4. Navigate to the Connection tab.

    • You can pull your instance's hostname from the Azure portal (it is available in the resource's overview).
    • For Username, enter the admin username available on the instance's overview.
    • For Password, enter the admin user password you provided during deployment.
    • Select Save when you are ready to connect.

    Specifying the database connection.

  5. If the connection is successful, it should appear under the Servers browser dropdown.

    Window to show a successful connection.

  6. Create a new role, which the application will reference.

    • Under your connection, right-click Login/Group Roles.
    • Select Create > Login/Group Role....
    • Name the role NW.
  7. Under Definition, provide a secure password.

  8. Under Privileges, change the Can log in? slider to the Yes position.

    Screenshot showing how to define privileges.

  9. Finally, navigate to Membership.

    • Add the azure_pg_admin role.
    • Do not select the checkbox next to the role name (this user will not be granting the azure_pg_admin role to others).
    • Select Save.

    Setting the NW role as a member of the azure_pg_admin role.

  10. If you did not deploy the lab ARM template, you need to create a new database. Simply right-click the Databases dropdown and select Create > Database.... Provide NW as the database name and the set the owner to the admin user configured in the Azure provisioning step.

Our configuration in pgAdmin is now complete.

Task 2: Create an ora2pg project structure

Ora2pg allows database objects to be exported in multiple files so that it is simple to organize and review changes. In this task, you will create the project structure that will make it easy to do this.

  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory C:\ora2pg, where we will create the project structure.

    cd C:\ora2pg
    rename ora2pg_conf.dist ora2pg.conf.dist
  2. To create a project, we will use the ora2pg command with the --init_project flag. In the example below, our migration project is titled nw_migration.

    ora2pg --init_project nw_migration

    Note: In some cases, ora2pg may fail to find its configuration file. In scenarios such as these, you may need to provide the -c flag with the name of the actual configuration file in your ora2pg directory.

    ora2pg -c ora2pg.conf.dist --init_project nw_migration

    Note: You may receive an error that ora2pg cannot find Perl. If this is the case, just ensure that C:\Strawberry\perl\bin has been added to the PATH variable.

  3. Verify that the command succeeded. There should be a folder with the same name as your migration project in the C:\ora2pg directory.

    Screenshot showing the new project in the directory.

  4. Navigate to the project directory.

    • Locate config\ora2pg.conf.
    • Select the file to open it. If you are asked to select an application to open the file, select Notepad.
  5. In the config\ora2pg.conf file, replace the old values in the file with the correct information.

    # Set the Oracle home directory
    ORACLE_HOME	C:\app\demouser\product\21c\dbhomeXE
    # Set Oracle database connection (datasource, user, password)
    ORACLE_DSN	dbi:Oracle:host=LabVM;sid=XE;port=1521
    ORACLE_PWD	oracledemo123

    Moreover, you need to populate the schema name correctly.

    # Oracle schema/owner to use
  6. Confirm that all information entered is correct. The command below should display the version of your local Oracle database.

    cd nw_migration
    ora2pg -t SHOW_VERSION -c config\ora2pg.conf
  7. We will also need to populate connection information for our Postgre instance. We will use the role we created in the previous task.

    Window showing populating connection information.

Task 3: Create a migration report

The migration report tells us the "man-hours" required to fully migrate to our application and components. The report will provide the user with a relative complexity value. In this task, we will retrieve the migration report for our migration.

  1. Navigate to the C:\ora2pg\nw_migration directory in command prompt.

  2. Ora2pg provides a reporting functionality that displays information about the objects in the existing schema and the estimated effort required to ensure compatibility with PostgreSQL. The command below creates a report titled 6-23-report.html in the reports folder (when executed within the C:\ora2pg\nw_migration directory).

    ora2pg -c config\ora2pg.conf -t SHOW_REPORT --estimate_cost --dump_as_html > reports\6-23-report.html

    The image shows the objects included in the report.

    Note: The report displays information for the provided schema--in our case, we placed schema information in config\ora2pg.conf before executing the command.

    Screenshot showing the Report Schema.

    Note: The invalid objects count was zero. Also, if the utility assessed database objects, they were listed in the report details.

    The image shows an example ora2pg assessment report.

    Of particular interest is the migration level. In our case, it is B-5, which implicates code rewriting, since there are multiple stored procedures that must be altered.

    Screenshot showing the Migration level description.

Exercise 4: Migrate the Database and Application

Duration: 90 minutes

In this exercise, we will begin the migration of the database and the application. This includes migrating database objects, the data, application code, and finally, deploying to Azure App Service.

Task 1: Migrate the basic database table schema using ora2pg

In this task, we will migrate the database table schema using ora2pg and psql, a command-line utility that makes it easy to run SQL files against the database.

Exercise 3 covered planning and assessment steps. To start the database migration, DDL statements must be created for all valid Oracle objects.

  1. In almost all migration scenarios, it is advised that table, index, and constraint schemas are kept in separate files. For data migration performance reasons, constraints should be applied to the target database only after tables are created and data copied. To enable this feature, open config\ora2pg.conf file. Set FILE_PER_CONSTRAINT, FILE_PER_INDEX, FILE_PER_FKEYS, and FILE_PER_TABLE to 1.

    Screenshot showing how to separate table from index and constraints.

  2. Call the following command in the C:\ora2pg\nw_migration directory to obtain object schemas (table schemas will be created in a file called NW-psql.sql).

    ora2pg -c config\ora2pg.conf -o NW-psql.sql -t TABLE -b schema\tables\

    In our scenario, 13 tables are exported. If you see an unreasonably large number, verify that you provided a schema in the configuration file (see step 8 of the previous task). If all was successful, you will see four files in the schema\tables directory.

    Screenshot showing schema files list.

    Note: Open the schema\tables\NW-psql.sql file. Notice that all table names are lowercase--using uppercase names for tables and/or columns will require quotations whenever referenced. Furthermore, ora2pg converts data types fairly well. If you have strong knowledge of the stored data, you can modify types to improve performance. You can export individual table schemas in separate files to facilitate the review.

  3. Execute the PostgreSQL commands against the PostgreSQL database. You can use any PostgreSQL database client. One way to execute a SQL file against a PostgreSQL database is through the psql utility located at the C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v6\runtime directory. Just as we did in task 4, append this location to the system PATH variable. Note that you will need to restart your command prompt windows for the change to take effect.

    Screenshot showing the process to add psql to the PATH variable.

  4. Reopen the command prompt in the C:\ora2pg\nw_migration directory.

    • Enter the following command to run the NW-psql.sql file to create tables in the NW database.

      • [Server Name] - Enter your Azure PostgreSQL database's DNS name as the value passed to the -h flag. You can find this Server name in the Azure PostgreSQL overview.

        The image shows the Azure PostgreSQL overview information. The Server name is circled.

    • If the connection is successful, you will be asked to enter your password.

    • Then, the command prompt should show a sequence of CREATE TABLE statements.

    cd C:\ora2pg\nw_migration
    psql -U NW@[Server Name] -h [Server Name] -d NW < schema\tables\NW-psql.sql

    The image shows the create table statements being executed.

    Note: If you receive an error like "could not find a 'psql' to execute", use the entire path to the executable in the command ("C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v6\runtime\psql")

    • Navigate to pgAdmin. Refresh the database objects. Verify the tables exist in pgAdmin.

    The image shows the newly created tables in the pgAdmin tool.

Task 2: Migrate Table Data with ora2pg

In this Task, we will use the ora2pg utility to migrate table data to the PostgreSQL instance, now that we have created the table schema on the landing zone.

  1. Navigate to C:\ora2pg\nw_migration\data in command prompt and enter the following command.

    cd C:\ora2pg\nw_migration\data
    ora2pg -t COPY -o data.sql -c ..\config\ora2pg.conf

    You should see the following once the command completes. Notice how all 3,308 rows are accounted for.

    Note: It may take up to 5 minutes for the export to start. If you get authentication errors, double-check your ora2pg config file PG_DSN, PG_USER, and PG_PWD parameters. NW must be in upper case. Capitalization matters.

    ora2pg exports all rows in the source Oracle instance.

Task 3: Finishing the table schema migration

We migrated the data before the constraints were applied to reduce the time required to copy data into the tables. In addition, if foreign keys were present on the target tables, data migration would fail and take longer to import. So, in this task, we will add constraints, foreign keys, and indexes to the target tables. This task assumes that you are in the C:\ora2pg\nw_migration directory in command prompt.

  1. First, layer on constraints (not foreign keys):

    cd C:\ora2pg\nw_migration
    psql -U NW@[Server Name] -h [Server Name] -d NW < schema\tables\CONSTRAINTS_NW-psql.sql
  2. Now, Add foreign keys:

    psql -U NW@[Server Name] -h [Server Name] -d NW < schema\tables\FKEYS_NW-psql.sql
  3. Next, layer on the indexes:

    psql -U NW@[Server Name] -h [Server Name] -d NW < schema\tables\INDEXES_NW-psql.sql
  4. Navigate to pgAdmin and Refresh the tables in the left panel. Verify the indexes and constraints have been applied.

    The image shows the indexes for the employees table in pgAdmin.

  5. Before migrating views in the next task, let's verify that table data has been properly migrated. Open pgAdmin and connect to the database as the NW user. To use Query Tool, select Query Tool under the Tools dropdown.

    Screenshot showing entering the query tool.

    Note: You will need to select the NW database before accessing the Query Tool.

  6. Enter the following query into the editor:

    SELECT CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as name,
    FROM employees e
     JOIN employeeterritories et ON e.employeeid = et.employeeid
     JOIN territories t ON et.territoryid = t.territoryid;
  7. Now, execute the query by selecting the execution button on the toolbar.

    Screenshot showing running of the query.

  8. If you were successful, you should see an output similar to the following. The result set should have 49 rows. It is available under the Data Output tab.

    Screenshot showing Result set from the select query.

Next, let's take a look at migrating views.

Task 4: Migrate Views

Views are not referenced by the sample application, but we are including this task here to show you how to do it manually. When we migrate stored procedures, we will show you how to enable an extension that greatly simplifies the migration of objects which reference Oracle-specific functions.

  1. Navigate to the C:\ora2pg\nw_migration\schema\views directory, where we will run ora2pg and psql.

    cd c:\ora2pg\nw_migration\schema\views
    ora2pg -c ..\..\config\ora2pg.conf -t VIEW -o NW-views.sql

    Note: Views are exported into individual files. The file specified in the command (NW-views.sql) references the individual files.

    The image shows the Oracle views exported to SQL files in Explorer.

  2. Before we invoke NW-views.sql, we will need to make changes to four files. This is because our application uses a to_date() function that is not supported in PostgreSQL. We will need to replace the command in the code with the equivalent DATE() function in PostgreSQL.

    • Open SALES_TOTALS_BY_AMOUNT_NW-views.sql. In the last line, replace to_date(Orders.ShippedDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') with DATE(Orders.ShippedDate).

    • Open QUARTERLY_ORDERS_NW-views.sql and replace to_date(Orders.OrderDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') with DATE(Orders.OrderDate).

    • Open PRODUCT_SALES_FOR_1997_NW-views.sql and replace to_date(Orders.ShippedDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') with DATE(Orders.ShippedDate).

    • Open SALES_BY_CATEGORY_NW-views.sql and replace to_date(Orders.OrderDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') with DATE(Orders.OrderDate).

  3. Now that all modifications are complete, run the NW-views.sql file in psql:

    psql -U NW@[DB Name] -h [DB Name] -d NW < NW-views.sql
  4. With that, we have migrated views.

    • Navigate to the Query Editor.

    • Utilize the query below, which will show data where productsales is greater than 5000. You can envision how this would be useful in an organization to identify successful items in a given year (1997).

      SELECT *
      FROM product_sales_for_1997
      WHERE productsales > 5000;
  5. When the query is executed, you should see the following result set, with 42 rows. This shows that we have successfully migrated the views.

    Result set from query involving the product_sales_for_1997 view.

Let's migrate stored procedures next.

Task 5: Migrate the Stored Procedure

Our application utilizes a single stored procedure, so we must be able to migrate it. To do this, we will be using the orafce extension, which provides functions that are compatible with Oracle code. We will then call the procedure and view its results using a refcursor.

  1. Open C:\ora2pg\nw_migration\config\ora2pg.conf. There is a directive titled PLSQL_PGSQL. Uncomment it and set the value to 1. This is necessary for the stored procedure migration.

    # Enable PLSQL to PLPSQL conversion. This is a work in progress, feel
    # free modify/add you own code and send me patches. The code is under
    # function plsql_toplpgsql in Ora2PG/ Default enabled.
  2. Only one stored procedure, NW.SALESBYYEAR, is in use by the application. So, we will export this stored procedure from the Oracle database for analysis. Run the command below in C:\ora2pg\nw_migration\schema\procedures.

    cd C:\ora2pg\nw_migration\schema\procedures
    ora2pg -c ..\..\config\ora2pg.conf -t PROCEDURE -a SALESBYYEAR -o NW-proc.sql
  3. Open SALESBYYEAR_NW-proc.sql. Notice that ora2pg exported the Oracle procedure as a PostgreSQL procedure. In some cases, ora2pg exports procedures as functions. Whether that is acceptable depends on if the object needs to return a value and if transactions must be defined within the object. Note that the exported stored procedure is defined as SECURITY DEFINER, removing support for transaction control.

    Screenshot showing how to migrate stored procedure using ora2pg.

    A second detail to keep in mind is NULLs vs. empty strings. In PostgreSQL, they are handled differently. This is a small distinction in Oracle that can be overlooked, leading to incomplete query results.

  4. We will need to edit the procedure's parameter list, and we can do this by using a refcursor. Replace the existing last parameter of the procedure, cur_OUT INOUT PKGENTLIB_ARCHITECTURE.CURENTLIB_ARCHITECTURE, with cur_OUT INOUT REFCURSOR.

  5. A useful PostgreSQL extension that facilitates greater compatibility with Oracle database objects is orafce, which is provided with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. To enable it, navigate to pgAdmin, enter your master password, and connect to your PostgreSQL instance. Then, enter the following command into the query editor and execute it:


    The image shows the create extension command in pgAdmin executed.

  6. Now, you will need to execute the NW-proc.sql file against the PostgreSQL instance.

    psql -U NW@[Server Name] -h [Server Name] -d NW < NW-proc.sql
  7. Execute the following statements. Note that pgAdmin requires that each statement be executed independently.

    CALL salesbyyear('1996-01-01'::timestamp, '1999-01-01'::timestamp, 'cur_out');
    FETCH ALL FROM cur_out;
  8. If all is successful, 809 rows should be returned. The following is an excerpt from the result set, which can be retrieved by executing the FETCH statement.

    Screenshot showing result set for salesbyyear stored procedure (1996-1999).

Task 6: Create new Entity Data Models and update the application on the Lab VM

In this task, we will be recreating the ADO.NET data models to accurately represent our PostgreSQL database objects.

  1. On your Lab VM, return to Visual Studio, and open appsettings.json from the Solution Explorer.

  2. Add a connection string called PostgreSqlConnectionString. Ensure that it correctly references the remote Azure Database for PostgreSQL credentials.

    • Replace the value of Server with your Azure Database for PostgreSQL DNS name.
    • Substitute the Server Name.
    • Verify the value of Password is set.
    "ConnectionStrings": {
       "OracleConnectionString": "DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/XE;PASSWORD=oracledemo123;USER ID=NW",
       "PostgreSqlConnectionString": "Server={Server};Database=NW;Port=5432;User Id=NW@{Server Name};Password={Password};Ssl Mode=Require;"
  3. Save the appsettings.json file.

    Note: In production scenarios, it is not recommended to store connection strings in files that are checked into version control. Consider using Azure Key Vault references in production and user secrets in development.

  4. Open the Package Manager console by selecting Tools (1), NuGet Package Manager (2), and Package Manager Console (3).

    Opening the Package Manager console in Visual Studio.

  5. Enter the following command in the Package Manager console to produce the models. The -Force flag eliminates the need to manually clear the Data directory. The Npgsql connector is included with the sample app to simplify the modification process.

    Scaffold-DbContext Name=ConnectionStrings:PostgreSqlConnectionString Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -OutputDir Data -Context DataContext -Schemas public -Force

    Note: This command will reverse-engineer more tables than are needed. The -Tables flag, referencing schema-qualified table names, provides a more accurate approach.

    The image shows the entity objects created by the executed command.

  6. Attempt to build the solution to identify errors.

    The image shows the Visual Studio menu. Build Solution menu item highlighted.

  7. Expand the Views folder. Delete the following folders, each of which contains five views:

    • Customers
    • Employees
    • Products
    • Shippers
    • Suppliers
  8. Expand the Controllers folder. Delete all controllers, except HomeController.cs.

  9. Open DataContext.cs. Add the following line to the top of the file, below the other using directives.

    using NorthwindMVC.Models;

    Add the following below the other property definitions.

    // Add SalesByYearDbSet
    public virtual DbSet<SalesByYear> SalesByYearDbSet { get; set; }

    Lastly, add the following statement to the OnModelCreating() method, after setting the collation information.

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        // Collation information
        // Add this:
        modelBuilder.Entity<SalesByYear>(entity =>
        // Other Fluent API configuration
  10. Build the solution. Ensure that no errors appear. We added SalesByYearDbSet to DataContext because HomeController.cs references it. We deleted the controllers and their associated views because we will scaffold them again from the models.

    Note: If you encounter build errors, verify that the _ViewImports.cshtml file in the Views directory was not accidentally deleted. If it was, simply copy the file from the project GitHub repository.

  11. Right-click the Controllers folder and select Add (1). Select New Scaffolded Item... (2).

    Adding a new scaffolded item.

  12. Select MVC Controller with views, using Entity Framework. Then, select Add.

    Add MVC Controller with Views, using Entity Framework.

  13. In the ADD MVC Controller with views, using Entity Framework dialog box, provide the following details. Then, select Add. Visual Studio will build the project.

    • Model class: Select Customer.
    • Data context class: Select DataContext.
    • Select all three checkboxes below Views.
    • Controller name: Keep this set to CustomersController.

    Scaffolding controllers and views from model classes.

  14. Repeat steps 11-13, according to the following details:

    • EmployeesController.cs
      • Based on the Employee model class
    • ProductsController.cs
      • Based on the Product model class
    • ShippersController.cs
      • Based on the Shipper model class
    • SuppliersController.cs
      • Based on the Supplier model class
  15. Navigate to Startup.cs. Ensure that PostgreSQL is configured as the correct provider and the appropriate connection string is referenced in the ConfigureServices method.

    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // Verify this line:
        services.AddDbContext<DataContext>(options => options.UseNpgsql(Configuration.GetConnectionString("PostgreSqlConnectionString")));

Task 7: Update the Dashboard Stored Procedure Call

With PostgreSQL, stored procedures cannot return output values without a cursor. This Task details how to write a function to replicate the same logic. Functions can return result sets directly, without a cursor.

  1. Open PostgreSQL pgAdmin. Connect to the NW database as the NW user. Launch the query tool.

  2. Into the query tool, copy the following statement and execute it.

    	ShippedDate TIMESTAMP,
    	OrderID bigint,
    	Subtotal double precision,
    	Year text
    AS $$
        SELECT Orders.ShippedDate, 
                TO_CHAR(Orders.ShippedDate, 'YY') AS Year
        FROM Orders INNER JOIN Order_Subtotals ON Orders.OrderID = Order_Subtotals.OrderID
        WHERE Orders.ShippedDate Between p_begin_date And p_end_date;
    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

    Creating the SALESBYYEAR_func function in pgAdmin.

  3. In the Visual Studio solution, navigate to the HomeController. Comment out the code under the Oracle comment. First, select the lines for the Oracle code, then select the Comment button in the toolbar.

    The code under the Oracle comment is highlighted and labeled 1, and the Comment button in the toolbar is highlighted and labeled 2.

  4. In the HomeController.cs, add the following using references:

    using NpgsqlTypes;
    using Npgsql;
  5. Below the commented Oracle code and before the LINQ query, add the following:

    var beginDate = new NpgsqlParameter { ParameterName = "beginDate", NpgsqlDbType = NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp, Direction = ParameterDirection.Input, Value = new NpgsqlDateTime(DateTime.Parse("Jan 1, 1996")) };
    var endDate = new NpgsqlParameter { ParameterName = "endDate", NpgsqlDbType = NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp, Direction = ParameterDirection.Input, Value = new NpgsqlDateTime(DateTime.Parse("Jan 1, 1999")) };
    var salesByYear = await _context.SalesByYearDbSet.FromSqlRaw("SELECT * FROM SALESBYYEAR_func(@beginDate, @endDate);", beginDate, endDate).ToListAsync();
  6. Navigate to the Models folder in the Visual Studio Solution. In the SalesByYear.cs file, update the type of the OrderID property to long.

    public long OrderID { get; set; }
  7. Run the application again by selecting the green IIS Express button in the Visual Studio toolbar.

    The IIS Express button is highlighted on the Visual Studio toolbar.

  8. Verify the graph is showing correctly on the Northwind Traders dashboard.

    The Northwind Traders Dashboard is visible in a browser.

Task 8: Deploy the application to Azure

As part of the PoC, the finished app will be hosted on Azure App Service. In this task, you will add a connection string to the App Service resource and use Visual Studio 2019 to complete the deployment.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your App Service instance. Navigate to Configuration below Settings.

  2. Below Connection strings, select + New connection string. In the Add/Edit connection string window, provide the following:

    • Name: Use PostgreSqlConnectionString.
    • Value: Use the connection string from the appsettings.json file.
    • Type: Select Custom (with ASP.NET Core, it is not possible to use the PostgreSQL connection string type).

    Adding a PostgreSQL connection string to the App Service configuration page.

  3. Select OK and then select Save.

  4. In Visual Studio's Solution Explorer, right-click the NorthwindMVC project (not the solution) and select Publish....

  5. The Publish window should open. Select Azure. Select Next.

    Screenshot showing the publishing window.

  6. Select Azure App Service (Linux). Select Next.

  7. In the Publish window, select your Subscription name. Expand the correct resource group and select the App Service resource. Select Next.

    Selecting the correct App Service instance in the Visual Studio Publish window.

  8. Select Publish (generates pubxml file) for the Deployment type tab. Select Finish.

    Generating a publish profile for the Visual Studio App Service deployment.

  9. Select Publish next to the new publish profile.

  10. First, your application will build. Then, all relevant files will be copied into a ZIP archive for deployment.

  11. Once the build completes, navigate to your app's link. Test the web application.

    Screenshot showing The Northwind app deployed to Azure App Service.

    Note: If you still see the default page display, try publishing again.

    Note: Feel free to remove the connection string from the appsettings.json file, as it is securely provided to the application through Azure App Service. This is usually done to avoid committing connection strings into version control.

After the hands-on lab

Duration: 10 minutes

In this exercise, you will delete any Azure resources that were created in support of the lab. You should follow all steps provided after attending the Hands-on lab to ensure your account does not continue to be charged for lab resources.

Task 1: Delete the resource group

  1. Using the Azure portal, navigate to the Resource group you used throughout this hands-on lab by selecting Resource groups in the left menu.

  2. Search for the name of your research group, and select it from the list.

  3. Select Delete in the command bar, and confirm the deletion by re-typing the Resource group name, and selecting Delete.

You should follow all steps provided after attending the Hands-on lab.