View screenshots as a slideshow over http
Run from inside the directory with screenshots and then view them over http with the given url.
$ ~/target/screenshots$ ssslide
_ _ _
___ ___ ___| (_) __| | ___
/ __/ __/ __| | |/ _` |/ _ \
\__ \__ \__ \ | | (_| | __/
serving 53 images on
$ ~/bounties/lyft/screenshots$ ssslide --help
usage: ssslide [-h] [-p PORT] [-z]
Serve images from the current directory as a slideshow over http.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT The port to listen on. Defaults to 8000
-z, --zip Zip all images and serve them at /zip
Happy hacking!
(I do realize the code is a disaster, and I plan to refactor it :X)