B.E. Old Questions Collection
CMM 420 - Mobile and Wireliess Communication (MWC)
CMP 113 - Programming in C
CMP 113_C- Programming in C
CMP 114_PST-Problem Solving Techniques
CMP 115_Object Oriented Programming in C++
CMP 211_PT_Programming Technology
CMP 212_Programming in Java
CMP 213_WT-Web Technology
CMP 214_MALP-Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming
CMP 220_SEF-Software Engineering Fundamentals
CMP 225_DSA-Data Structures And Algorithms
CMP 226_DBMS_Database Management System
CMP 241_CG-Computer Graphics
CMP 311_SP-System Programming
CMP 312_PoPL-Principles of Programming Language
CMP 320_OS_Operating system
CMP 321_OODM-Object Oriented Design and Modeling through UML
CMP 322_OOSD-Object Oriented Software Development
CMP 325_ADA-Analysis and Design of Algorithm
CMP 326_TOC_Theory of Computation
CMP 331_AOS-Applied Operating System
CMP 332_CA_Computer Architecture
CMP 334_COA-Computer Organization and Architecture
CMP 335_CN-Computer Networks
CMP 341_MMS-Multimedia Systems
CMP 350_SNM-Simulation and Modeling
CMP 420_SPM - Software Project Management
CMP 421_Software Testing Verification Validation and QA
CMP 430_RTS-Real Time Systems
CMP 435_DS-Distributed Systems
CMP 436_NP-Network Programming
CMP 441_IPPR - Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
CMP 457_AINN-Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network
CMP 480_EAD-Enterprise Application Development
CMP 481- Information Systems
CMP 482 - Business processing and IT Strategy
ECO 411_EE-Engineering Economics
ELE_226.2_Electrical Engineering Materials
ELX 212_LC-Logic Circuits
MEC 111 - Thermal Science
MEC 120_Engineering Drawing
MGT 321_ONM-Organization and Management
MTH 112_Engineering Mathematics I
MTH 114_Engineering Mathematics II
MTH 130_MFCS - Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
MTH 212_Engineering Mathematics III
MTH 214_Engineering Mathematics IV
MTH 221_PQT-Probability and Queing Theroy
MTH 230_NM-Numerical Methods
B.E. Software - Subject Name & Course Code.docx
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