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Robotics API (low-level)

So far, this tutorial has utilized the Robot add-on for robotics simulations. Like all other add-ons in TDW, the Robot add-on is nothing more than a convenient wrapper class for lower-level commands. It is possible to control a robot using low-level commands, and there are a few commands that aren't implemented in the Robot add on.

Add a robot to the scene

Add a robot to the scene with the add_robot command or the wrapper function Controller.get_add_robot():

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils

c = Controller()
c.communicate([TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),

The example below does the exact same thing as the example above:

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils

c = Controller()
c.communicate([TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
               {"$type": "add_robot",
                "id": c.get_unique_id(),
                "position": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0},
                "rotation": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0},
                "name": "ur5",
                "url": ""}])

Get static robot data

Send send_static_robots to receive StaticRobot output data per robot. This data includes the ID, name, mass, segmentation color, and drive information of each joint. In this example we're only going to read the joint names and IDs but you can check the StaticRobot API for how to get more static data.

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.output_data import OutputData, StaticRobot

c = Controller()
resp = c.communicate([TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
                      {"$type": "send_static_robots"}])
joint_names_and_ids = dict()
for i in range(len(resp) - 1):
    r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(resp[i])
    if r_id == "srob":
        srob = StaticRobot(resp[i])
        for j in range(srob.get_num_joints()):
            joint_id = srob.get_joint_id(j)
            joint_name = srob.get_joint_name(j)
            joint_names_and_ids[joint_name] = joint_id

Set joint targets or add joint forces

Once you have the names and IDs of each joint you can set target angles and positions, or target torques and forces. These commands will start the joint moving towards a target but won't wait for them to finish moving.

Joint type Target command Force command
"revolute" set_revolute_target add_torque_to_revolute
"prismatic" set_prismatic_target add_force_to_prismatic
"spherical" set_spherical_target add_torque_to_spherical

In this example, we happen to know that all of the joints in a UR5 robot are revolute.

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.output_data import OutputData, StaticRobot

c = Controller()
robot_id = c.get_unique_id()
resp = c.communicate([TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
                      {"$type": "send_static_robots"}])
joint_names_and_ids = dict()
for i in range(len(resp) - 1):
    r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(resp[i])
    if r_id == "srob":
        srob = StaticRobot(resp[i])
        for j in range(srob.get_num_joints()):
            joint_id = srob.get_joint_id(j)
            joint_name = srob.get_joint_name(j)
            joint_names_and_ids[joint_name] = joint_id

c.communicate([{"$type": "set_revolute_target",
                "id": robot_id,
                "joint_id": joint_names_and_ids["shoulder_link"],
                "target": 70},
               {"$type": "set_revolute_target",
                "id": robot_id,
                "joint_id": joint_names_and_ids["forearm_link"],
                "target": -60}])

Get dynamic robot data and check if the joints are still moving

To determine whether the robot's joints are still moving, you'll need to send send_dynamic_robots which will return DynamicRobotS output data. In this example, we'll get the starting position of the joints. Per frame, we'll then parse DynamicRobots output data and compare it to the previous positions. If all of the joints have stopped moving or nearly stopped moving, the controller ends.

Note that we need to use StaticRobots to know how to read DynamicRobots. DynamicRobots doesn't sort data by ID like most TDW output data and as a result is somewhat difficult to use; on the other hand, it is optimized for speed.

import numpy as np
from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.output_data import OutputData, StaticRobot, DynamicRobots

c = Controller()
robot_id = c.get_unique_id()
resp = c.communicate([TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
                      {"$type": "send_static_robots"},
                      {"$type": "send_dynamic_robots",
                       "frequency": "always"}])
joint_names_and_ids = dict()
joint_indices = np.array([0])
joint_angles_0 = list()
for i in range(len(resp) - 1):
    r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(resp[i])
    if r_id == "srob":
        srob = StaticRobot(resp[i])
        for j in range(srob.get_num_joints()):
            joint_id = srob.get_joint_id(j)
            joint_name = srob.get_joint_name(j)
            joint_names_and_ids[joint_name] = joint_id
            joint_indices = srob.get_joint_indices()
    elif r_id == "drob":
        dynamic_robots = DynamicRobots(resp[i])
        for index in joint_indices:

resp = c.communicate([{"$type": "set_revolute_target",
                       "id": robot_id,
                       "joint_id": joint_names_and_ids["shoulder_link"],
                       "target": 70},
                      {"$type": "set_revolute_target",
                       "id": robot_id,
                       "joint_id": joint_names_and_ids["forearm_link"],
                       "target": -60}])
done = False
while not done:
    done = True
    # Get the current joint positions.
    joint_angles_1 = list()
    for i in range(len(resp) - 1):
        r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(resp[i])
        if r_id == "drob":
            dynamic_robots = DynamicRobots(resp[i])
            for index in joint_indices:
    # Check if any of the joints are still moving.
    for j0, j1 in zip(joint_angles_0, joint_angles_1):
        if np.linalg.norm(j0 - j1) > 0.001:
            done = False
    joint_angles_0 = joint_angles_1[:]
    resp = c.communicate([])
c.communicate({"$type": "terminate"})

Robots and immovability

Some robots are initially immovable meaning that their root object won't move or rotate regardless of the forces applied to it. To determine whether a robot is immovable, check the immovable field in the record:

from tdw.librarian import RobotLibrarian

lib = RobotLibrarian()
record = lib.get_record("ur5")
print(record.immovable)  # True

You can toggle whether a robot is immovable with the command set_immovable.

Regardless of immovability, it is possible to instantly move and rotate a robot without applying forces by sending teleport_robot.

Set static robot parameters

It is possible to adjust many static robot parameters:

import numpy as np
from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.output_data import OutputData, StaticRobot

c = Controller()
robot_id = c.get_unique_id()
resp = c.communicate([TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12),
                      {"$type": "send_static_robots"}])
commands = []
for i in range(len(resp) - 1):
    r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(resp[i])
    if r_id == "srob":
        srob = StaticRobot(resp[i])
        for j in range(srob.get_num_joints()):
            joint_id = srob.get_joint_id(j)
            joint_name = srob.get_joint_name(j)
            # Adjust the shoulder link.
            if joint_name == "shoulder_link":
                # Adjust the mass.
                mass = srob.get_joint_mass(j)
                commands.append({"$type": "set_robot_joint_mass",
                                 "mass": mass + 2,
                                 "joint_id": joint_id,
                                 "id": robot_id})
                # Adjust the friction coefficient.
                commands.append({"$type": "set_robot_joint_friction",
                                 "joint_id": joint_id,
                                 "friction": 0.3,
                                 "id": robot_id})
                # Set the physic material.
                commands.append({"$type": "set_robot_joint_physic_material",
                                 "dynamic_friction": 0.3, 
                                 "static_friction": 0.3, 
                                 "bounciness": 0.7,
                                 "joint_id": joint_id,
                                 "id": robot_id})
                # Adjust the joint drives.
                for k in range(srob.get_num_joint_drives(j)):
                    lower_limit = srob.get_joint_drive_lower_limit(j, k)
                    upper_limit = srob.get_joint_drive_upper_limit(j, k)
                    force_limit = srob.get_joint_drive_force_limit(j, k)
                    stiffness = srob.get_joint_drive_stiffness(j, k)
                    damping = srob.get_joint_drive_damping(j, k)
                    axis = srob.get_joint_drive_axis(j, k)
                    commands.append({"$type": "set_robot_joint_drive",
                                     "joint_id": joint_id,
                                     "axis": axis,
                                     "lower_limit": lower_limit - 15,
                                     "upper_limit": upper_limit + 15,
                                     "force_limit": force_limit * 1.5,
                                     "stiffness": stiffness * 1.3,
                                     "damping": damping * 0.8,
                                     "id": robot_id})

You can of course use any low-level API commands with any higher-level add-on, and the Robot add-on is no exception. However, the cached static data won't automatically update if you adjust static parameters.

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.add_ons.robot import Robot

c = Controller()
robot_id = c.get_unique_id()
robot = Robot(name="ur5", robot_id=robot_id)
c.communicate(TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12))
commands = []
for joint_id in robot.static.joints:
    joint = robot.static.joints[joint_id]
    commands.extend([{"$type": "set_robot_joint_mass",
                      "mass": joint.mass + 2,
                      "joint_id": joint_id,
                      "id": robot_id},
                     {"$type": "set_robot_joint_friction",
                      "joint_id": joint_id,
                      "friction": 0.3,
                      "id": robot_id},
                     {"$type": "set_robot_joint_physic_material",
                      "dynamic_friction": 0.3,
                      "static_friction": 0.3,
                      "bounciness": 0.7,
                      "joint_id": joint_id,
                      "id": robot_id}])
    for axis in joint.drives:
        commands.append({"$type": "set_robot_joint_drive",
                         "joint_id": joint_id,
                         "axis": axis,
                         "lower_limit": joint.drives[axis].limits[0] - 15,
                         "upper_limit": joint.drives[axis].limits[1] + 15,
                         "force_limit": joint.drives[axis].force_limit * 1.5,
                         "stiffness": joint.drives[axis].stiffness * 1.3,
                         "damping": joint.drives[axis].damping * 0.8,
                         "id": robot_id})

Next: Add a camera to a robot

Return to the README

Example controllers:

Python API:

Command API:

Output Data API: