We love collaboration. This includes the suggestion of general improvements to the package structure or functionality, bug reports, typos, or code contributions. We appreciate and welcome everything helping to improve the package!
- Submit an issue on the Issues page here. Please try to describe the bug as precise and possible and add a reproducible example. This helps us a lot to quickly fix it.
Generally, we suggest to first open an issue to shortly discuss new functionality.
- Fork this repo to your Github account
- Clone your version on your account down to your machine from your account, e.g,.
git clone https://github.com/r-spatialecology/shar.git
- Make sure to track progress upstream (i.e., on our version of
) by doinggit remote add upstream https://github.com/r-spatialecology/shar.git
. Before making changes make sure to pull changes in from upstream by e.g.git pull upstream
to fetch and merge in one step - Make your changes. We suggest creating a new branch for this
- If you alter package functionality at all (e.g., the code itself, not just documentation), it would be great to write some tests to cover the new functionality
- Push up everything to your account
- Submit a pull request to home base at