Directory k8s/argocd contains installation files. Running kubectl apply -f in this directory installs ArgoCD into the cluster. Note taht argocd-patch.yaml adds ksops tool. Also we annotate GCP service accounts so ArgoCD can decode sops secrets ( The installation is based on ). The GCP terraform code uses ip restrictions for accessing ArgoCD web interface.
Added kustomize.buildOptions: --enable-alpha-plugins --enable-exec
to ArgoCD configmap.
Cilium endpoint causes ArgoCD to have some issues (argoproj/argo-cd#10456). Implemented CM exclusion in the Github message. Solved
Use ArgoCD upgrade guide for upgrading.
Applications that ArgoCD controls are setup via yaml files in k8s/argocd-settings.
When adding a new cluster (environemnt):
- Add dev cluster outbound ip into allowed GKE control plane
- Add new cluster kubernetes context in ArgoCd cluster via
argocd cluster add_your_k8s_context_name