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0502387 · Dec 8, 2016


348 lines (227 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

348 lines (227 loc) · 10.3 KB



Breaking changes

  • .expect(msg) for both Maybe and Result now wrap their payload in new Error() instead of just throwing the payload directly.



New features

  • Add Maybe.prototype.filter(fn) for chaining in conditionals to payload processing



Breaking changes

  • options is now a reserved key that can't be used as a union member.



Version 13 introduces a bunch of breaking changes, without deprecation warnings. Version 12 is still stable, so if you depend on stuff that's changing, you don't have to upgrade.

The changes are based off of close to half a year of full-time work building OpenRide with lots of our data wrapped up in Results instances. I think all of it takes results in a better direction.


  • Improved error reporting for "match called on non-member option"

    UnionError: match called on a non-member option: '[A(42) from Union{ A, B }]'. Expected a member from { X, Y }'

Breaking changes

  • UnionError is gone. Results now just throws Errors.

  • Unions now only accept a single payload param.

    • Unions now store that payload at instance.payload instead of as an array in You really shouldn't be accessing directly anyway, but if you do, this change breaks that.
    • Implementing custom factories will also be broken -- please pass back the raw value for payload instead of wrapping it in an Array.



Bug Fix

  • Maybe.all and Promise.all should not flatten arrays in their Somes and Oks. Now they don't.



Bug Fix

  • UnionError should have passed instanceof Error checks. Now they do.



Bug Fix

  • Return false for Union({A:1}).A().equals(Immutable.Map()) instead of recursing infinitely.



New features

  • Added static method Maybe.nan, like Maybe.undefined and Maybe.null.
  • Added missing .expect() method to Result.

Breaking changes

  • The _ symbol for match catch-all has been removed, after being deprecated since v0.10. The string '_' is now reserved and cannot be used as a Union member option, and is the way to do catch-all matches going forward.


    import { Maybe, Some, _ } from 'results';
    Maybe.match(Some(1), {
      Some: n => console.log('some', n),
      [_]: () => console.log('not some')

    Going forward:

    import { Maybe, Some } from 'results';
    Maybe.match(Some(1), {
      Some: n => console.log('some', n),
      _: () => console.log('not some')
  • Err(payload).unwrap() now throws payload instead of a UnionError.

  • .match's _ catch-all handler now gets all the union option payloads applied to it instead of just passing in the union option itself. Passing in the union option was pretty useless, since you already have a ref to it if you can call .match in the first place, and accessing it's .data array was a little sketch.

    For Unions where all options accept the same kind of payload, accepting it as a argument to the catch-all handler can be pretty useful, even if it's maybe a little unsafe in general.



New features

  • Added a static .is(first, second) function to Union for deep equality testing.
  • Added .equals proto method to all union option instances
  • Added .hashCode proto method to all union option instances (currently always returns 42).
  • These methods are equivalent to and compatible with ImmutableJS

Breaking fixes

  • Union options instances' .constructor property is now a reference to its union's OptionClass, as it always should have been. Before this release it was Object. This shouldn't break anything unless you're doing really weird stuff :)



New features

  • Added static methods Result.try, Maybe.undefined, and Maybe.null for plain-js interop. See the docs for details.
  • All errors thrown are now instances of Result.Error, which should still pass any (err instanceof Error) checks, so hopefully nothing breaks :)

Breaking changes

  • Deprecating the _ symbol has a breaking edge-case: A match from a union containing a member called "_" that also has a wild-card member [_] (the symbol), will always take the "_" path instead of the catch-all symbol path. I'm fairly confident this affects zero people.


  • The symbol exported from results as _ is now deprecated. To do a catch-all match, just use a normal '_' string key. For a cost of having one more reserved member name (never ever used?), catch-all matching (frequently used) is (back to) much more convenient.

Other changes

  • Improved the error message when a property in a .match object is not a function. It used to throw complaining that the prop was missing. Now it says that the prop is the wrong type.




  • Result.Ok(value) now returns value if it is an instance of Result.OptionClass, instead of unwrapping and rewrapping as Ok, and
  • Maybe.Some(value) now returns value if it's a Maybe.OptionClass, instead of unwrapping and rewrapping as Some. These changes are included to provide a way to "cast" arbitrary values to Result or Maybe, mirroring Promise.resolve(value).




  • .match is no longer a proto method. It is now a static method living on the Union, like .all for Result and Maybe. It now takes two parameters: the first one being the instance to match against, and the second being the object defining the match handlers.

    import { Some, None, Maybe } from 'results';
    // BEFORE (<= v0.7)
      Some: n => console.log('some!', n),
      None: () => console.log('none :(')
    // AFTER (>= v0.8)
    Maybe.match(Some(1), {
      Some: n => console.log('some!', n),
      None: () => console.log('none :(')




  • Removed the .map family of methods from Result and Maybe -- use .andThen (possibly chained with .or or .orElse) instead.

  • Removed .array from Result and Maybe proto. It came from rust's .iter and .intoIter, but it's not really useful in javascript...

  • OptionClass is now a reserved property for Union instances, so it can no longer be used as a key in Unions.

  • The typescript declaration file is removed. It could be re-created and added to definitelyTyped or something, if anyone wants it.

  • Match's _ special-case catch-all key is removed. Instead, results now exports a symbol as _ that you can use as a computed key like

    Union({A: {}, B: {}, C: {}}).A().match({
      A: () => console.log('A!'),
      [_]: () => console.log('something else...'),

Other Changes

  • OptionClass! Check which Union a value is coming from with instanceof
  • Some and Ok auto-promotion for the .and and .or families of methods, as well as .all on the union instances.
  • Added toString methods. Some samples: '[Union { A, B }]', '[[UnionOption A(1, 2) from Union { A }]]'
  • Maybe's prototype grew .promiseOr and .promiseOrElse methods.
  • Result's prototype grew .promise and .promiseErr methods.
  • Converted source from typescript to es6 javascript, so we can use more es6 features, and remove ugly typescript hacks.
  • Rewrote the readme with hopefully better content :) Still lots more to improve!




  • Only allow object Enum definition (Enum({ONE: {}, TWO: {}, THREE: {}}) only; no more Enum(['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE'])).
  • Enum option instance property options is now an Object instead of Array.
  • Throw Error instances instead of special internal error enums. It was a silly idea.
  • Remove sketchy faulty object typecheck for the Enum constructor. It's just not checked now. Whee.
  • Add a static param to the Enum function (after proto) for adding stuff to the Enum.
  • Use the new static param to add a .all method to Maybe and Result, whose behaviour is close to that of Promise.all.
  • Enum renamed to Union! enum is another thing in JavaScript, so this is less confusing.
  • Remove the take method from Some/None.
  • .match now throws for unrecognized keys in a provided options object.

Other Changes

  • Fix typescript interfaces for ResultOption (props => methods)
  • Annotate match param and return
  • Upgrade typescript version



  • Option is now called Maybe, since Option is a thing already.
  • EnumOption.option is now called thanks @mystor.
  • EnumOption.args is now called thanks @mystor.

Other Changes

  • Use typescript. Mostly for docs at this point.
  • Performance optimizations and stuff. Still not back to v0.3.0, but pretty lightweight and fast.
  • Faster EnumOption.match function, thanks @mystor!


  • Generalize Result and Option to be built from Enum, and make Enum public
  • Breaking change -- errors are now EnumOptions



  • Rewrote constructors to be empty (or nearly-empty) functions with all the methods on the prototype. This required:
  • Breaking change -- the match functionality is now a method just like all the other functions. See the updated examples in the readme.



  • object-assign is a real dependency, not a dev-dependency. It is now in the right place in package.json, so this library should work...



  • Err(errValue).orElse(fn) now calls fn with errValue, as it does in rust.
  • and, Err(errValue).unwrapOrElse(fn) does the same.



  • Err(errValue).unwrap() now throws with UNWRAP_ERR and errValue, more closely matching Rust's behaviour (and mor useful).
  • Likewise, Some(value).unwrapErr() now throws with UNWRAPERR_SOME and value, and
  • None().unwrap() now throws with UNWRAP_NONE and a message.