Releases: uw-it-aca/myuw
Bug Fix: MUWM-4005, MUWM-4001
- MUWM-4005: some mobile devices redirected to legacy MyUW
- MUWM-4001: Final exam info from primary should be displayed on secondary sections course cards
Academic Resources + Bug Fixes
New Feature:
- MUWM-4013: Adds academic resources from the footer to the Academics page.
Bug Fixes:
- MUWM-4007: Classlist doesn't load from teaching summary
- MUWM-3987: 500 page needs workday link, remove ESS
- MUWM-3970: clean up the code and mock data no longer needed
- MUWM-3944: Classlist not sorted properly
Bug Fix: MUWM-3997, MUWM-3990, MUWM-3988
Bug Fixes:
- MUWM-3997: View Class List get " An error has occurred and we can't load this content right now. Please try again later."
- MUWM-3990: Teaching Schedule Summary should include link to classroom information
- MUWM-3988: Teaching Summary Schedule card cuts off info on right in narrow mobile browsers
Resolve MUWM-3979
Merge pull request #906 from uw-it-aca/hotfix/MUWM-3979 Hotfix/muwm 3979
Improve quicklinks performance
Improve performance of DB query to get visited links and re-enable quicklinks feature
Groups Secondary Sections Under their Primary Section + Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes:
- MUWM-3983: Course color c6a is incorrect
- MUWM-3968: Secondary page headings on Textbook page disappear on mobile
- MUWM-3941: Teaching Schedule Summary - Enrollment number for ind. study still show max total.
- MUWM-3931: Room info link not showing on MyUW when available
- MUWM-3883: Displaying course website error when there is no error
- MUWM-3952: View class website broken. No link to "update"
New Feature:
- MUWM-3972: Secondary sections are now grouped together under their associated primary section for instructors of record. The secondary sections are hidden by default.
Thrive 2017/2018 Content and Student Applicant Redirect
New Thrive Content
Fix for issue MUWM-3955: Instructor textbooks page shows empty "enrolled" header
Routing students with applicant affiliation to New MyUW:
Because of a change in April 2017 to the GWS group grace period from 0 days to 90 days, most first year students and transfer students were still considered applicants and with our existing logic were seeing legacy version of MyUW. The fix implemented here changes the prioritization when checking affiliations so that any one with both a student and applicant affiliations will be shown the new MyUW. They can still opt out.