A D3D11-style wrapper around WebGL2, including an HLSL-to-GLSL parser.
To see it in action, check out my in-browser IBL utility: https://image-based.lighting
I was thinking about creating web-based demos to match some of my D3D11 C++ examples from class. This gave me an idea: What if I wrap a few WebGL calls in functions that look like D3D11? How hard could that be?
10,000+ lines of code later, I have most of the D3D11 API working in javascript, including a homebrew HLSL-to-GLSL parser/converter.
const swapChainDesc = new DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC(800, 600, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM);
let [device, context, swapChain] = D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(
document.getElementById("viewport"), // A canvas element on the page
let backBufferRef = swapChain.GetBuffer(); // Also adds 1 to the buffer's reference count
let backBufferRTV = device.CreateRenderTargetView(backBufferRef, null);
backBufferRef.Release(); // Releases 1 reference to the buffer
context.OMSetRenderTargets([backBufferRTV], null);
let cornflowerBlue = [0.39, 0.58, 0.93, 1];
context.ClearRenderTargetView(backBufferRTV, cornflowerBlue);
let vertexShaderString = `
struct VSInput
float3 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
struct VertexToPixel
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
VertexToPixel main(VSInput input)
VertexToPixel output;
output.position = float4(input.position, 1);
output.color = input.color;
return output;
let pixelShaderString = `
struct VertexToPixel
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
float4 main(VertexToPixel input) : SV_TARGET
return input.color;
let vertexShader = device.CreateVertexShader(vertexShaderString);
let pixelShader = device.CreatePixelShader(pixelShaderString);
// Define the vertices that make up a single triangle
let vertices = new Float32Array([
// Positions Colors
+0.0, +0.5, +0.0, 1,0,0,1, // Vertex 1
+0.5, -0.5, +0.0, 0,1,0,1, // Vertex 2
-0.5, -0.5, +0.0, 0,0,1,1 // Vertex 3
// Describe the buffer we want, including its size and intended usage
let vbDesc = new D3D11_BUFFER_DESC(
3 * 7 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, // Total size in bytes
D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, // Data won't change after creation
D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, // We can use this as buffer of vertices
0, // Not performing any GPU readbacks
0, // No other special flags
0); // Not a "structured buffer"
// Actually create the buffer, including its initial data
let vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(vbDesc, vertices);
// Set the API to draw triangles
// Define an array of input element descriptions to describe a single vertex
// - Each element description refers to a single vector in a vertex
let inputElements = [
"POSITION", // Semantic name (matching corresponding vertex shader input)
0, // Semantic index (in the event of multiple similar semantic names: POSITION0, POSITION1, etc.
DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, // Format of this element's data - 3x 32-bit floats in this case
0, // Index of the bound vertex buffer containing this data
0, // Offset from the beginning of the vertex (in bytes)
D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, // Is this data defined per-vertex or per-instance?
0), // Number of instances that will use this data (0 since this is per-vertex)
DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT, // 4x 32-bit floats for the color element
3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, // Offset past the first element, which contains 3 floats
// Create the associated Input Layout API object and set it
let inputLayout = device.CreateInputLayout(inputElements);
// Set (bind) this buffer as the active vertex buffer
let vbStride = 7 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; // Size of a single vertex
let vbOffset = 0; // Offset to the first vertex we want to use
0, // Index of the first buffer to set
[vertexBuffer], // Array of buffers to set (just one in our case)
[vbStride], // Array of vertex strides, corresponding to the buffers being set
[vbOffset]); // Array of offsets, corresponding to the buffers being set
// Perform a draw
context.Draw(3, 0);
So, what can this do? A lot, but not everything. Below are many of the major components that exist, though not every bell and whistle works just yet.
Major API Objects
- ID3D11Device
- ID3D11DeviceContext
- IDXGISwapChain
- ID3D11Buffer (Vertex, Index and Constant buffers)
- ID3D11Texture1D
- ID3D11Texture2D (including cube maps)
- ID3D11Texture3D
Resource Views
- ID3D11DepthStencilView
- ID3D11RenderTargetView
- ID3D11ShaderResourceView
Other API Objects
- ID3D11DepthStencilState
- ID3D11InputLayout
- ID3D11PixelShader
- ID3D11RasterizerState
- ID3D11SamplerState
- ID3D11VertexShader
What's not done yet? These are possible, but have been low priority.
- Instance rendering
- Stencil operations
- Blending
- Comparison samplers
- Plenty more that I'm forgetting
What can't be done? Pretty much anything unsupported by WebGL2.
- Geometry shaders
- Tesselation shaders
- Compute shaders
- Directly mapping resources for reading/writing
- A few misc options scattered throughout existing features
A few reasons:
- I thought it would be fun (it was!)
- I wanted it to exist (now it does!)
- I hoped it would help me refresh my OpenGL (it sure did!)
To mess around? Sure! For production? Probably not π¬
lol. lmao, even.