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Before you start, read the mapper-sdk-go design to familiar with the mapper-sdk-go structure:mapper-sdk-design


This repository is a set of Go packages that can be used to build Go-based mapper for use within the KubeEdge framework.


  1. Developers need to provide CRD to generate configmap.If you need a secure connection, configure the cert's path in the config.yaml.
  2. Use the following instructions in Makefile to generate mapper-sdk-go model
   make sdkmodel

You can find mapper-sdk-go model in mappers 3. Developers can make their own mapper by implementing the ProtocolDriver interface for their desired IoT protocol.

Command Line Options

  --config-file string          Config file name (default "..\\res\\config.yaml")
  --mqtt-address string         MQTT broker address
  --mqtt-certification string   certification file path
  --mqtt-password string        password
  --mqtt-privatekey string      private key file path
  --mqtt-username string        username
  --v string                    log level (default "1")

Supported MQTT

MQTT topics

TopicTwinUpdateDelta = "$hw/events/device/%s/twin/update/delta"  
TopicStateUpdate     = "$hw/events/device/%s/state/update"
TopicTwinUpdate      = "$hw/events/device/%s/twin/update"
TopicDataUpdate      = "$ke/events/device/%s/data/update"
TopicDeviceUpdate    = "$hw/events/node/%s/membership/updated"

  1. $hw/events/device/+/twin/update/delta:This topic is used to synchronize cloud data. + symbol can be replaced with ID of the device whose state is to be updated.
  2. $hw/events/device/+/state/update: This topic is used to update the state of the device. + symbol can be replaced with ID of the device whose state is to be updated.
  3. $hw/events/device/+/twin/+: The two + symbols can be replaced by the deviceID on whose twin the operation is to be performed and any one of(update,cloud_updated,get) respectively.
  4. $ke/events/device/+/data/update: This topic is add in KubeEdge v1.4, and used for delivering time-serial data. This topic is not processed by edgecore, instead, they should be processed by third-party component on edge node such as EMQ Kuiper.
  5. $hw/events/node/%s/membership/updated: This topic is used to remove/add device. + symbol can be replaced with ID of the device whose state is to be updated.

In addition

If you want to accept large packets over HTTPS instead of mqtt, you can set CollectCycle to -1 in configmap.
Then the twin that CollectCycle be sett to -1 will not be actively reported to mqtt broker

Enable MQTT Security Features

Generate the self-signed CA certificate

First, we need a self signed CA certificate. If you want to generate this certificate, you need to sign it with a private key. You can generate this private key by executing the following command:

openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048

This command will generate a key with a length of 2048 and store it in ca.key. If you have this key, you can use it to generate a root certificate:

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out ca.crt

The root certificate is the starting point of the whole trust chain. If the issuer of each level of certificate and the issuer of the root certificate are trusted, the certificate is trusted. We can use it to issue certificates for the mqtt used by the edge part of kubeedge.

Generate server certificate

Next, you need to generate the server private key to ensure the control of its certificate. The process of generating the private key is similar to the above:

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

Create file openssl.cnf

default_bits  = 2048
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = req_ext
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
countryName = CN
stateOrProvinceName = Hubei
localityName = Wuhan
organizationName = JS
commonName = kubeedge
subjectAltName = @alt_names
subjectAltName = @alt_names

req_distinguished_name :according to the situation to modify

alt_names: modify BROKER_ADDRESS to the real IP or DNS address of mqtt broker such as IP.1 = or DNS.1 =

Then, use this key and configuration to issue a request to generate a certificate

openssl req -new -key ./server.key -config openssl.cnf -out server.csr

Then use the root certificate to issue the certificate of server:

openssl x509 -req -in ./server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 3650 -sha256 -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl.cnf

Generate client certificate

If you need to use two-way connection authentication, you also need to create a certificate for the client. First, we need to create the client key:

openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048

Create a request to generate a client certificate using the client key:

openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr -subj "/C=CN/ST=Hubei/L=Wuhan/O=JS/CN=client"

Finally, you should use the generated CA certificate to sign the client and generate the client certificate:

openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt

Next steps to enable MQTT TLS/SSL

After completing the appeal operation, we can enable TLS / SSL two-way authentication in edgecore. Edgecore uses mosquitto as mqtt broker by default.

First, we need to move the generated ca.crt certificate file to the /etc/kubeedge/ca directory, and put the client.crt and client.key to /etc/kubeedge/certs directory.

Then, we need to edit edgecore.yaml, which is located in the /etc/kubedge/config directory. We need to change the following field properties to the certificate path we just generated, such as the following:

    enable: true
      enable: true
      tlsMqttCAFile: /etc/kubeedge/ca/ca.crt
      tlsMqttCertFile: /etc/kubeedge/certs/client.crt
      tlsMqttPrivateKeyFile: /etc/kubeedge/certs/client.key
    mqttMode: 2
    mqttPassword: ""
    mqttPubClientID: ""
    mqttQOS: 0
    mqttRetain: false
    mqttServerExternal: tcps://
    mqttServerInternal: tcp://
    mqttSessionQueueSize: 100
    mqttSubClientID: ""
    mqttUsername: ""

Finally, you need to move the ca.crt file to the /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates directory and move the server.crt file and server.key file to the /etc/mosquitto/certs directory.After that, you should modify /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf, add the following content at the bottom of the file.The file path needs to be modified according to the specific situation.

listener 8883
cafile /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ca.crt
certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.crt
keyfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.key
allow_anonymous true
require_certificate true
use_identity_as_username true

After finished configuring,You need to execute the following command:

  1. Restart mosquitto
# find process id
ps -aux | grep mosquitto
# kill the process
kill -9 xxx
# start mosquitto
mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf -d
  1. Restart edgecore
systemctl restart edgecore.service

So far, MQTT TLS/SSL two-way authentication in edgecore is completed.

Supported Restful API

The URLs listed below are given in the form of local IP. You can use these services from any network accessible to mapper

Port 1215 is enabled by default.

according to your own CRD definition

according to your own CRD definition

If you have any questions,you can see examples in the example

The functions and urls are as follows.

  1. Detect whether the RESTful service starts normally

  2. Get device's property

  3. Set device's config(If you want to use this method,cloudCore's Twin.Desired should be null)

  4. Add a deviceInstance
    You must provide a JSON body that conforms to the CRD definition

  5. Delete a deviceInstance

Enable Restful Security Features

The steps for generating certificates are similar to those for MQTT certificates. You can refer to the MQTT certificate generation steps.

Make the following convention, use a three-digit binary number, from left to right, represent the file path of the CA certificate, the server certificate, and the server key, whether the file path is provided, the number zero means the file is not provided, and the number one means the file is provided.

000 No certification
001 Illegal
010 Illegal
011 One-way authentication
100 Illegal
101 Illegal
110 Illegal
111 Two-way authentication
The config.yaml provided by the user must comply with the above agreement.

More details

You can get more details in mapper-sdk-guide