All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- chore: add changelog link to gemspec
- Updated workflows to use most recent Actions
- Remove references to toolbox-script in workflows
- Updated Gemfile.lock
- Fixing lint issues
- Add Ruby 3.0.x support
- Add support for Rails 7
- Switched to Github Actions
- Pull CI images from ECR repository
- Update development to Ruby 2.7.2
- Passing arguments to
rake pii_safe_schema:generate_migrations
actually works
- Can pass explicitly annotate PII columns from the command line as arguments when using
rake pii_safe_schema:generate_migrations
- Can pass Datadog Client object as a configuration option.
- Specs use SQLite3 instead of Postgres, further unblocking local development
- README got a facelift 😍
- Development on Windows 10 environments now work
- Added MIT License
- converted any hyphens to underscores for consistency.
- bumping version to release to rubygems
- fixed issue cutting tags/releasing
- fixed release to rubygems
- Now hosted on rubygems
- encrypted data of any type should receive the null obfuscator, previously only encrypted sensitive data was receiving null_obfuscator
- catch ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError for activation on new apps
- removed require 'pry' line that was breaking in prod.
- lack of space after curly brace in generated migration created lint errors
- Added null_obfuscator for encrypted columns
- Added encryption check for sensitive data type
- Added annotations for address columns
- Added sensitive data columns like SIN, SSN, TIN
- CircleCi database issue fixed
- Colorize output in dev env and produce more descriptive message.
- Gem created