Releases: webdriverio-community/wdio-video-reporter
Fixes bug concerning allure videos
Also adds extra error logging for easier debugging
100% test coverage
We now have 100% testcoverage. Yey!
Uses a default outputDir
v1.3.2 Uses a default for outputDir. Issue #6
Patch release fixes quotes in filenames
v1.3.1 Patch release for single quotes in filenames
Ready to Rumble!
The Allure example report has been moved to its own repository to optimize npm package size.
The reporter has now also been verified with the following browsers in the same run:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
- Internet Explorer 11
- Safari IOS on iphone 8
- Safari IOS on ipad gen 6
- Chrome Android on Samsung galaxy S9
- Chrome Android on Samsung galaxy A 10.5 2018
Check out the new Example report here:
And also to make sure to check the Appium section of the README for instructions on making better Allure reports
Fix allure devicetype argument
Small fix for allure devicetype handling
Better handling of devices
- Adds deviceType capability to browsername for filenames
- Adds deviceType argument if using Allure reporter to separate desktop and devices.
Better handling of long test names
Fixed bug #1.
Very long filenames are now truncated.
Better support for node v10+
There was a rarely occurring bug that showed up in node v10 and v11 where the test execution would halt when sleeping by using system.sleep.
This is now resolved in this version and the external dependency is also removed.
Fully unit tested
Relevant unit tests added