fix: processedDuration ==, can't rebound #348.
fix: When using NestedScrollView, [hitOver] is invalid.
fix: [clamping] may not have rebound animation.
fix: ClassicIndicator transition animation.
fix: NotRefreshHeader and NotLoadFooter [position] causes tree structure changes.
fix: [viewportDimension] changes may trigger loading.
feat: Indicator add [triggerWhenReach] #348. Trigger immediately when reaching the [triggerOffset].
feat: CupertinoIndicator support horizontal.
fix: CupertinoActivityIndicator radius == 0.
fix: Use notifyListeners after ChangeNotifier disposed. Thanks laiiihz for PR#555.
feat: ClassicHeader、ClassicFooter add IconThemeData. Thanks Lay523 for PR#562.
feat: ClassicIndicator add [progressIndicatorSize] and [progressIndicatorStrokeWidth].
feat: Add CupertinoIndicator.
fix: finishLoad asset #563.
fix: dart >=2.13.0.
fix: The screen is not full, [infinite] can not reset.
feat: HeaderLocator and FooterLocator add [clearExtent].
feat: Add OverrideFooter and OverrideHeader.
fix: Scores
fix: .pubignore
Framework rewrite, stronger refresh widget.
- Supports all scrollable widgets.
- Physics scope, no longer limited to child types.
- Adjustable scroll parameters, infinite possibilities for the indicator.
- Safe area support.
- Indicator position setting.