Releases: williamtroup/JsonTree.js
Releases · williamtroup/JsonTree.js
JsonTree.js v2.5.0 - Translations! Lambda support! Complete value clicking support! UI improvements and fixes!
New Features:
- Added lambda display support.
- Added value-clicking support for Objects and Arrays!
- Added translation support! A new folder called "translations" under "dist" has been added, with support for the following languages:
Chinese (simplified)da
English (default)eo
Configuration Options:
- Added a new option called "text.functionText", which states the default text to show for a function (if using a lambda, defaults to "function").
UI Improvements:
- Added a transition that is used for the contents when switching pages.
- When "showValueColors" is set to false, the same font weights, and styles, are still applied to the titles and values.
- When "showValueColors" is set to false, if a value click event is set, the hover effect for the values is now shown.
JsonTree.js v2.4.0 - Undefined type support! Themes! Opening/Closing brace/bracket support, with UI and code improvements!
New Features:
- Added undefined type support (shown instead of null, or unknown)!
- Added two themes, the default, and a new light theme, under the "dist/themes".
Binding Options:
- Added a new binding option called "showOpeningClosingCurlyBraces" (defaults to false), which states if opening/closing curly braces should be shown.
- Added a new binding option called "showOpeningClosingSquaredBrackets" (defaults to false), which states if opening/closing curly brackets should be shown.
- Added {ff} (milliseconds padded) and {f} (milliseconds) support for the "dateTimeFormat" binding option.
Binding Options - Custom Triggers:
- Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onCopyJsonReplacer", which fires an event and gets the result that should be used for values when copying the JSON to the clipboard.
General Improvements:
- Increased the font weight of the navigation buttons in the title bar (so they stand out more).
- Minor refactoring of function names.
- Huge improvements to the HTML testing files.
- Updated the project to the latest NPM packages.
JsonTree.js v2.3.0 - BigInt and Symbol type support! More parsing options! UI improvements and fixes!
New Features:
- Added custom tooltip support!
- Added bigint type support!
- Added symbol type support!
- Added ignore empty objects support!
- Added more parsing options!
Binding Options:
- Added a new binding option called "tooltip.delay" (defaults to 750), which states how long to wait before showing a tooltip (in milliseconds).
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.bigIntValues" (defaults to false), which states if bigint values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.symbolValues" (defaults to false), which states if symbol values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.emptyObjects" (defaults to true), which states if empty objects should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "showArrayIndexBrackets" (defaults to true), which states if the array index brackets should be shown.
- Moved to "parseStringsToDates" to "parse.stringsToDates".
- Added a new binding option called "parse.stringsToBooleans" (defaults to false), which states if string values should be parsed to boolean values (if valid).
- Added a new binding option called "parse.stringsToNumbers" (defaults to false), which states if string values should be parsed to number values (if valid).
Binding Options - Custom Triggers:
- Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onBigIntRender", which fires an event when a bigint value is rendered (allow element render overrides).
- Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onSymbolRender", which fires an event when a symbol value is rendered (allow element render overrides).
General Improvements:
- Massively improved the sorting of object property names (now uses a collator to sort them correctly).
- Added a new export enum called "DataType", which states all of the type names that will be returned when clicking a value.
- Null values can now be clicked (if an event is available).
- The "There is currently no JSON to view." text is now shown in a different color.
- The "Copy" button will now ensure that functions, and other types, are included (they are converted to strings).
- Fixed a fault that caused the wrong tooltips to be assigned to the title bar buttons.
JsonTree.js v2.2.0 - Drag & Drop support! String to Date parsing! More ways to manage JSON, more events, and UI improvements!
New Features:
- Added JSON file-dropping support! Simply drag and drop your JSON file onto the main display and watch it render!
- Added string to Date() parsing!
Binding Options:
- Added a new binding option called "fileDroppingEnabled" (defaults to true), which states if JSON files can be dropped onto the main display and shown.
- Added a new binding option called "parseStringsToDates" (defaults to false), which states if string values should be parsed to Date() objects (if valid).
- Added a new binding option called "copyIndentSpaces" (defaults to 2), which states the total spaces that should be used for the indentation when the JSON is copied.
Binding Options - Custom Triggers:
- Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onBackPage", which fires an event when moving back a page (when showing arrays as pages).
- Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onNextPage", which fires an event when moving forward a page (when showing arrays as pages).
- Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onSetJson", which fires an event when the JSON data is changed.
Configuration Options:
- Added a new option called "text.noJsonToViewText", which states the text to show when no JSON is available to view (defaults to "There is currently no JSON to view.").
Public API Functions:
- Added a new public function called "setJSON()", which will set the display using the JSON object/string you pass.
- Added a new public function called "getJSON()", which will return the JSON that is currently being displayed.
UI Improvements:
- The contents (everything under the title bar) are now in their own container.
- Added scrolling support for large content data.
- The buttons in the title bar will no longer wrap to the next line when a smaller screen is used.
General Improvements:
- Added configuration settings to force types to be declared.
- Added missing type declarations.
- Updated the project to the latest NPM packages.
JsonTree.js v2.1.0 - Array paging support! Image buttons! UI improvements, code improvements, and fixes!
New Features:
- Added data array paging (with new Back/Next buttons in the title bar), which will allow you to show base data array items on separate pages.
- The title bar buttons now use symbols instead of text (to free up space), and use tooltips that use existing configuration settings.
Binding Options:
- The binding option "title.showCopyButton" now defaults to true.
- Added a new binding option called "showArrayItemsAsSeparateObjects" (defaults to false), which states if base data array items should be shown on separate pages.
- Added a new binding option called "copyOnlyCurrentPage" (defaults to false), which states if the current page of JSON should be copied, instead of everything (when "showArrayItemsAsSeparateObjects" is true).
Configuration Options:
- BREAKING: All text-based configuration options are now under a new section called "text".
- Added a new option called "text.closeAllButtonSymbolText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Open All" button (defaults to "↓").
- Added a new option called "text.openAllButtonSymbolText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Close All" button (defaults to "↑").
- Added a new option called "text.copyAllButtonSymbolText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Copy All" button (defaults to "❐").
- Added a new option called "text.backButtonText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Back" button (defaults to "Back").
- Added a new option called "text.nextButtonText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Next" button (defaults to "Next").
- Added a new option called "text.backButtonSymbolText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Back" button (defaults to "←").
- Added a new option called "text.nextButtonSymbolText", which states the symbol text to use for the "Next" button (defaults to "→").
General Improvements:
- Fixed the nuspec file causing very large NuGet packages to be created.
- Fixed missing return types for private functions.
- Massive code reorganization (.ts files moved into separate folders).
- NPM package updates.
- Moved all string concatenations to use string templates.
- When "Copy All" is pressed, the JSON copied to the clipboard is now in a friendly format.
- Array value indexes are now shown inside [] characters (helps to show it's an index).
- Fixed an issue that caused the buttons in the display to use the wrong font.
JsonTree.js v2.0.0 - Rewritten in TypeScript, allowing greater React, Angular, and other library support!
Language Shift:
- The entire project has been rewritten in TypeScript, allowing all components to be exported, which allows better support for libraries such as React, Angular, etc.
- The TypeScript code is compiled to ES2016 instead of ES5 (older browsers, such as IE, are no longer supported).
- You can now run separate builds to produce CJS, ESM, and Minimized project versions.
- All files not required for the NPM packages have now been excluded.
- Removed the "src" and "dist" folders under "test". Only the dist versions remain, removing duplication.
- Added "" to help first-time users set up their dev environments.
JsonTree.js v1.1.2 - CDN support!
- Added CDN link support, and updated documentation.
JsonTree.js v1.1.1 - Third party library support (via export)
- Added export support for the global "$jsontree" object, which can now be imported as "jsontree.js".
JsonTree.js v1.1.0 - Ignore value support! Hex color support! Minor improvements!
New Features:
- Added ignore all value types support!
Binding Options:
- BREAKING: All binding ignore options are now available under a new area called "ignore".
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.booleanValues" (defaults to false), which states if boolean values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.decimalValues" (defaults to false), which states if decimal values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.numberValues" (defaults to false), which states if number values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.stringValues" (defaults to false), which states if string values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.dateValues" (defaults to false), which states if date values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.objectValues" (defaults to false), which states if object values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "ignore.arrayValues" (defaults to false), which states if array values should be ignored.
- Added a new binding option called "showStringHexColors" (defaults to false), which states if HEX color only string values should show the color in the display.
Binding Options - Custom Triggers:
- The custom trigger "onValueClick" has a new parameter called "type", which states the value type that was clicked ("string", "boolean", etc).
- The custom trigger "onValueClick" is no longer assigned to null values.
JsonTree.js v1.0.0 - New configuration and binding options! New formatting! Restructing!
New Features:
- Added full date and time rendering support! This can be adjusted for the display using the binding option "dateTimeFormat".
Binding Options:
- BREAKING: Renamed the binding attribute "data-jsontree-options" to "data-jsontree-js".
- BREAKING: All binding option events are now available under a new area called "events".
- BREAKING: All title bar binding options are now available under a new area called "title" (with renames).
- The binding option "dateTimeFormat" now defaults to "{dd}{o} {mmmm} {yyyy} {hh}:{MM}:{ss}" and now supports "{mmmm}", "{mmm}", "{dddd}", and "{ddd}" (see documentation).
- Added a new binding option called "maximumStringLength" (defaults to 0, state will use the full string), which states the maximum size a string can be in the display.
Configuration Options:
- Added new configuration option "stText" (defaults to "st"), which states the day ordinal for the first day.
- Added new configuration option "ndText" (defaults to "nd"), which states the day ordinal for the second day.
- Added new configuration option "rdText" (defaults to "rd"), which states the day ordinal for the third day.
- Added new configuration option "thText" (defaults to "th"), which states the day ordinal for the other days.
- Added new configuration option "dayNames" (defaults to all day names starting from Monday), which states all the full-day names.
- Added new configuration option "dayNamesAbbreviated" (defaults to all day names starting from Mon), which states all the abbreviated day names.
- Added new configuration option "monthNames" (defaults to all month names starting from January), which states all the full month names.
- Added new configuration option "monthNamesAbbreviated" (defaults to all month names starting from Jan), which states all the abbreviated month names.
- Added new configuration option "ellipsisText" (defaults to "..."), which states the ellipsis text to use for areas that are too long.
Fixes & Improvements:
- All text translations now allow empty text to be passed (which will prevent them from defaulting to the English version).