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Releases: wix/Detox


22 May 13:35
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What's Changed

System API (iOS Only)

This version adds support for system-dialogs interaction.

At the moment, System APIs are limited to iOS system dialogs (e.g. permissions, alerts, etc.). We plan to expand the System APIs to include Android support and more system-level interactions, such as OS browser (Safari / Chrome), interactions with push notifications, photo library, etc.


System APIs are currently in an experimental phase. This means that the API is not yet final and may change over minor releases.

By @asafkorem in #4457.

Full Changelog: 20.21.0...20.22.0


21 May 14:36
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What's Changed


  • Add duration and point (optional) parameters for longPress() action on both platforms (by @asafkorem in #4475)


  • Fix Android scrolling inaccuracy and exception while over-scrolling (by @gosha212 in #4482).
  • Fix types of whileElement to be aligned with the documentation, available with scroll only. (by @gosha212 in #4485).


  • Elaborate on test IDs in the test IDs guide: Naming best practices (by @d4vidi in #4487).

Full Changelog: 20.20.3...20.21.0


21 Apr 09:39
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 20.20.2...20.20.3


13 Apr 10:32
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What's Changed

iOS Fix: WebView Support

  • Typing issue with React web pages fixed. Corrected a problem where typing events were not properly handled in MUI TextField component. By @asafkorem. See PR #4444 and Issue #4437.

Full Changelog: 20.20.1...20.20.2


09 Apr 16:06
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What's Changed

iOS Fix: WebView Support

  • Avoid automatically moving the cursor to the end on web input elements that lack support for range selection. By @asafkorem in #4442, fixes #4437, #4426.

Full Changelog: 20.20.0...20.20.1


02 Apr 13:20
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What's Changed

Android Improvements


  • post-install issue for non react native projects by @gosha212 in #4430

Full Changelog: 20.19.5...20.20.0


31 Mar 06:50
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What's Changed

iOS - Improvements and Fixes

  • Simulator (Device) Logs: Now, long device log messages are broken into parts to prevent truncation. By @asafkorem in #4425
  • WebView Testing: Implemented a workaround for a selection error on non-text input types. By @asafkorem in #4427
  • WebView Testing: Introduced a launch argument to disable WebKit security (detoxDisableWebKitSecurity), enhancing testing capabilities (check our Testing WebViews guide for more details). By @asafkorem in #4429

Full Changelog: 20.19.4...20.19.5


26 Mar 10:43
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What's Changed

Detox 20.x still supports older versions of Node (down to 14.x), and if you've been getting errors like:

error [email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=18". Got "16.20.2"

...this hotfix should resolve your issue. (i.e., The prior version bump to minimum 18.x+ was unintended.)

Nevertheless, make sure to upgrade your Node.js in time. 😉

Full Changelog: 20.19.3...20.19.4


17 Mar 08:13
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What's Changed


This version introduces several fixes for WebView testing on iOS, following initial feedback on the latest minor release (20.19), where we introduced web APIs on iOS for feature parity with Android. Check our WebView APIs for more information.

iOS Fixes: WebView support

  • Inner Frames Interaction: add support for web-view interaction capabilities within inner frames.
  • CORS Restrictions Bypass: Implemented a bypass for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) restrictions during Detox tests, addressing issues related to inner frames.
  • Cursor Position on Typing: resolved an issue to keep the cursor at the end of the text field while typing.

by @asafkorem in #4411

Full Changelog: 20.19.2...20.19.3


14 Mar 18:54
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What's Changed


  • Fixed an issue where typeText in WebViews ignored input's max-length. by @asafkorem in #4407

Full Changelog: 20.19.1...20.19.2