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File metadata and controls

220 lines (134 loc) · 7.11 KB


OctoPrint Dashboard Snapshot ####A templatized 3D printing dashboard

This aims to be a Dashing widget and sample dashboard for viewing metrics and data from your OctoPrint rig. This is developed against OctoPi.


  • Clone the repository
  • Run the scripts/ shell script, which will perform the needed actions to install this widget.
  • ./scripts/ /home/pi/dashing-plugins/dashing-octoprint parent_dir_of_install dashboard_install_dir
  • Restart Dashing to pick up the new changes.
  • Navigate to the newly installed octoprint dashboard in your browser, and revel in the dashboardy goodness of your octoprint rig.

###Required Widgets

The graphs depend on Jason Walton's Rickshawgraph plugin. The process for installation is pretty straightforward. You should review the installation instructions contained within the repo, as they may supersede these; but this should get you going. There are two ways to do it.

  • Manual Installation

  • Automatic Installation

    • from within your dashboard directory; install the gist with the dashing install command:
      • dashing install 6614023
    • Restart Dashing.


The octoprint_defaults.yaml file tunes the behavior of the job. it is meant to provide you an example configuration of the configurable parameters. You are meant to create an octoprint_overrides.yaml file in the conf.d directory with your specific settings. This permits you to update the default configuration file automatically, while simultaneously maintaining a custom local configuration.

###Configuration Parameters

  • octo_server_api_job_endpoint (string) Default: '/api/job'

    • The endpoint to query for jobs
  • octo_server_api_key (string) Default: 'CHANGEME'

    • Your OctoPrint API key.
    • Currently unnecessary. May be required in the future.
  • octo_server_api_poll_interval (string) Default: '30'

    • How frequently the OctoPrint API should be polled.
  • octo_server_api_port (string) Default: '443'

    • The port the OctoPrint API is listening on
  • octo_server_api_printer_endpoint (string) Default: '/api/printer'

    • The OctoPrint API printer endpoint
  • octo_server_api_ssl (boolean) Default: true

    • Whether to enable SSL when talking to the OctoPrint API
  • octo_server_fqdn (string) Default: ''

    • The FQDN of your OctoPrint rig.
  • octo_server_graph_depth (string) Default: '99'

    • The number of entries to display in the graph
  • octo_server_history_enable (boolean) Default: true

    • Whether or not to store data to a history file to persist data across restarts.
  • octo_server_history_file (string) Default: 'history/octoprint_history.yaml'

    • The file to store history data in.
  • octo_server_job_graph_enable (boolean) Default: true

    • Enablement toggle for the Octoprint server job
  • octo_server_job_graph_time_units (string) Default: 'minutes'

    • What units of time to display in the job graph.
    • Supported options: [m, min, minutes, s, sec, seconds]
  • octo_server_job_graph_time_color_elapsed (string) Default: '#0f0'

    • The color to use for the time elapsed in the job graph
  • octo_server_job_graph_time_color_estimated (string) Default: '#00f'

    • The color to use for the estimated time in the job graph
  • octo_server_job_graph_time_color_remaining (string) Default: '#f00'

    • The color to use for the time elapsed in the job graph
  • octo_server_job_graph_file_color_position (string) Default: '#00f'

    • The color to use for the file position in the job graph
  • octo_server_job_graph_file_color_total (string) Default: '#f00'

    • The color to use for the file total size in the job graph
  • octo_server_completion_fgcolor (string) Default: '#333'

    • The foreground color to use for the completion widget
  • octo_server_completion_bgcolor (string) Default: '#3c3'

    • The background color to use for the completion widget
  • octo_server_last_filename (string) Default: 'assets/images/octocam/last.jpeg'

    • The last file saved from the snapshot endpoint.
  • octo_server_latest_filename (string) Default: 'assets/images/octocam/latest.jpeg'

    • The latest file saved from the snapshot endpoint.
  • octo_server_printer_bed_temp_graph_color_actual (string) Default: '#00ff00'

    • The color to graph the actual bed temperature.
  • octo_server_printer_bed_temp_graph_color_background (string) Default: '#cccccc'

    • The background color for the bed temperature graph.
  • octo_server_printer_bed_temp_graph_color_target (string) Default: '#ff0000'

    • The color to graph the target bed temperature.
  • octo_server_printer_bed_temp_graph_enable (boolean) Default: true

    • Enablement toggle for the bed temperature graph job
  • octo_server_printer_tool_0_temp_graph_color_actual (string) Default: '#00ff00'

    • The color to graph the current temperature of tool0.
  • octo_server_printer_tool_0_temp_graph_color_background (string) Default: '#cccccc'

    • The background color for the tool0 temperature graph.
  • octo_server_printer_tool_0_temp_graph_color_target (string) Default: '#ff0000'

    • The color to graph the target temperature of tool0.
  • octo_server_printer_tool_0_temp_graph_enable (boolean) Default: true

    • Enablement toggle for the tool0 temperature graph job
  • octo_server_printer_tool_1_temp_graph_color_actual (string) Default: '#00ff00'

    • The color to graph the current temperature of tool0.
  • octo_server_printer_tool_1_temp_graph_color_target (string) Default: '#ff0000'

    • The color to graph the target temperature of tool1.
  • octo_server_printer_tool_1_temp_graph_enable (boolean) Default: false

    • Enablement toggle for the tool1 temperature graph job
  • octo_server_snapshot_url (string) Default: ''

    • The url we should collect the latest snapshot from.
  • octo_server_webcam_poll_interval (string) Default: `'30'

    • How frequently to poll the snapshot URL.
  • octo_server_webcam_port (string) Default: `'443'

    • The tcp port to connect to for the snapshot endpoint
  • octo_server_webcam_ssl (boolean) Default: true

    • Whether or not to connect to the snapshot endpoint via SSL