This step is necessary when there are changes to the DB Schema in initdb-conf.yaml file and need to recreate the DB by removing all previous data and schema.
You can follow the following steps to achieve this requirement.
- Helm Uninstall
helm uninstall <HELM_RELEASE> -n apk
- Delete Existing PVC and PV.
kubectl get pvc -n apk
kubectl delete pvc <PVC_NAME> -n apk
kubectl get pv -n apk
kubectl delete pv <PV_NAME> -n apk
- Delete Standard Storage Claim
kubectl get sc
kubectl delete sc standard
- Stop K8s Cluster.
minikube stop
- Start K8s Cluster.
minikube start --container-runtime=docker
- Helm install
helm install <HELM_RELEASE> . -n apk
By following above steps, a new DB will be created using the new schema provided through helm.