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Kevin Yang edited this page Nov 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

Spotlight is designed to navigate the knowledge graph (of bio-medical literature) with a single concept: the single concept can be either the start or the end of the discovered relations.

If you go to Aletheia site, click on "Spotlight" and "Prozac", for example.

Adjust the "Novel Edge" and click "Go", you will notice the system returns more or less novel edges from that starting concept. Novel edges are marked in blue, while the trivial edges are marked grey.

A popular concepts can have in the order of hundreds (or thousands) of edges. Even we have ~70 predicates, it's the combination of predicate and end concepts that identifies an unique edge, for example, Prozac-CAUSES-sexual-dysfunction and Prozac-CAUSES-Tonic-clonic-seizures are considered 2 distinct edges, with their own reference sets.

Ideally we would allow users to navigate from a single start, and expand the known graph gradually, while keeping the exploratory history: think this as exploring an unknown world with an ancient map. While we are actively working on this feature, for now, the canvas can host the visualization from a single start and a new query will start afresh.

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