All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.0 (2023-05-05)
- main page: ✨ add opacity input form (range) (4a51927)
1.0.0 (2022-12-11)
- global.css: 💄 setup css utility class (38d047f)
- home page: ✨ add download feature (aa27668)
- home page: ✨ base layouting and functionality (exclude download QR feature (d79258f)
- InputField: ✨ create reusable input text field (8644820)
- HeaderComponent and global.css: 🐛 adjust existing styling (12416bb)
- HeaderComponent: 💄 quick edit Github repo link style (f206862)
- next-seo.config: 🐛 quick adjust SEO Image Preview (f5f536c)
0.0.3 (2022-03-31)
- Button, Form, and Link Components: 🚨 fix codes based on linter rules (8e53666)
0.0.2 (2022-02-06)
- package.json: ➕ add stantard-version to generate changelog (6f66485)
- all files: ✨ initialization base config (70ca15b)
- clsxm: ✨ initiate tailwind merge function helper (bcd0ce6)
- components and RegularLink: ✨ initiate regular link (still messy) (9c3a1ea)
- FooterComponent.tsx: ✨ add footer (e9e5719)
- NextImage.tsx: ✨ initiate NextImage component (aa3b811)
- tailwind.config.js, HeaderComponent, _app.tsx, globals.css: ✨ add base dark mode (6722b24)
- Unstyled Input, Select, and Textarea: ✨ make unstyled input, select, and textarea (4de168e)
- component.tsx: 🩹 add go back button nav (a82a7ed)