All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2023-05-01)
- api/shorten: ✨ use api route to mask the env var (e7f179d)
- change to next.js api route (e60eb92)
- index.test.tsx: ✨ create unit test case for generate WA button (77486ae)
- index.text.tsx: ✨ add base test file (0ede08a)
- next-seo: ✨ use newest OG image (8e7517c)
- nextjs.yml: ✨ setup github workflow (b994a13)
- package.json & pre-commit: ✨ run prettier before commit through husky (42e6095)
- Button and main page: 🐛 also disable copy button if the phone num length < 10 (6874e39)
- Enable React Strict Mode (c6cba15)
- fetcher.ts: 🐛 back to client side post req (4a886fa)
- fetcher.ts: 🐛 change the API into github one (de920b6)
- index.tsx: 🐛 fix url and data type from the country code (410d343)
- main page: 🐛 fix web whatsapp url (3229dd7)
- main page: 🐛 remove unecessary + (b97f154)
- package.json: 🐛 add command typescript for CI (77cabb9)
- pre-commit: 🔥 remove redundant prettier check before commit (bbaf7a6)
- release-please.yml: 🐛 hotfix release-please (f0d41ce)
- release-please.yml: 🐛 remove permissions (21082b6)
- remove duplicate key in API response (0005680)
- use environment variables from the server instead of the client (127ebc8)
1.1.0 (2022-04-19)
- main page: ✨ add device checking logic (02a7913)
- global.css: 💄 fix focus color for forms (63ac80b)
1.0.1 (2022-04-19)
- baseConfig.ts: ✨ add constant file to put the baseURL and API Key (0e07860)
- fetcher.ts and main page: ✨ add shortener link for copy link feature (b815f94)
- first initialization (573a577)
- headerComponent: ✨ add github repo link (5bc9b25)
- Home page: ✨ initialization base UI and fetch API (9a0fc5e)
- main page: ✨ finished whatsapp helper functionallity (1a9d59a)