All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.9.0 (2022-07-13)
1.8.2 (2022-06-17)
1.8.1 (2022-06-17)
1.8.0 (2022-06-17)
- 🎸 add eas.json (511c90a)
1.7.0 (2022-06-17)
- 🎸 add .env.sample (557c3d6)
- 🎸 add format command and update husky (99203f3)
- 🎸 add semgrep.yml (cdcdc63)
- 🐛 add engine (f6d0a1f)
- 🐛 remove not used travis (0a40e5a)
- 🐛 update expo version, other lib, logic (51835b0)
1.6.7 (2021-11-16)
- 🐛 update to latest sentry (26e85e0)
1.6.6 (2021-11-12)
- 🐛 remove log func in common (5f1dcba)
- 🐛 rename to helpers (e5af121)
- 🐛 update app.json (0511333)
- 🐛 update react-native-screens lib (bb0313e)
1.6.5 (2021-03-15)
1.6.4 (2021-03-15)
1.6.3 (2021-01-28)
- 🐛 fix package.json (96edd78)
1.6.2 (2020-12-28)
- 🐛 hide fab button in home component (799cacd)
1.6.1 (2020-12-18)
1.5.10 (2020-12-18)
- 🐛 add KeyboardAwareScrollView to avoid keyboard cover (667dff3)
1.5.9 (2020-12-16)
- 🐛 fix keyboardDismiss after scrollview scroll (47d6e41)
1.5.8 (2020-12-15)
- 🐛 fix spelling and add fab button (351a236)
1.5.7 (2020-12-12)
1.5.6 (2020-12-12)
- 🐛 update expo and react-native to version 40 (3908bae)
1.5.5 (2020-12-12)
1.5.4 (2020-12-12)
- 🐛 use async await func (b9d2e21)
1.5.3 (2020-10-19)
1.5.2 (2020-10-10)
1.5.1 (2020-10-09)
1.5.0 (2020-10-09)
1.3.9 (2020-08-29)
- 🎸 add expo push notification (6a0b50a)
1.3.8 (2020-08-23)
1.3.7 (2020-08-22)
1.3.6 (2020-08-22)
1.4.0 (2020-09-22)
- 🎸 add standard-version lib (fdd4747)