Including Dialogue System, Chatbot, Conversation Algorithms, Natural Language Generation Methods and etc.
- [2013 IEEE] POMDP-based Statistical Spoken Dialogue Systems: a Review, [paper].
- [2014 NIPS] Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks, [paper], sources: [farizrahman4u/seq2seq], [ma2rten/seq2seq], [JayParks/tf-seq2seq], [macournoyer/neuralconvo].
- [2015 CIKM] A Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Generative Context-Aware Query Suggestion, [paper], sources: [sordonia/hred-qs].
- [2015 EMNLP] Semantically Conditioned LSTM-based Natural Language Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems, [paper], sources: [shawnwun/RNNLG], [hit-computer/SC-LSTM].
- [2015 ArXiv] Attention with Intention for a Neural Network Conversation Model, [paper].
- [2015 ACL] Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation, [paper].
- [2016 AAAI] Building End-To-End Dialogue Systems Using Generative Hierarchical Neural Network Models, [paper], sources: [suriyadeepan/augmented_seq2seq], [julianser/hed-dlg], [sordonia/hed-dlg], [julianser/hred-latent-piecewise], [julianser/hed-dlg-truncated].
- [2016 ACL] On-line Active Reward Learning for Policy Optimisation in Spoken Dialogue Systems, [paper].
- [2016 EMNLP] Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Generation, [paper], sources: [liuyuemaicha/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Dialogue-Generation-in-tensorflow].
- [2016 EMNLP] Multi-view Response Selection for Human-Computer Conversation, [paper].
- [2017 ACM] A Survey on Dialogue Systems: Recent Advances and New Frontiers, [paper], sources: [shawnspace/survey-in-dialog-system].
- [2017 EMNLP] Adversarial Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation, [paper], sources: [jiweil/Neural-Dialogue-Generation], [liuyuemaicha/Adversarial-Learning-for-Neural-Dialogue-Generation-in-Tensorflow].
- [2017 ACL] Sequential Matching Network: A New Architecture for Multi-turn Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots, [paper], sources: [MarkWuNLP/MultiTurnResponseSelection], [krayush07/sequential-match-network].
- [2018 COLING] Sequence-to-sequence Data Augmentation for Dialogue Language Understanding, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [AtmaHou/Seq2SeqDataAugmentationForLU].