Meadow is a simple program for Markdown Editing Actively Displayed On the Web-browser. The concept is simple: edit a markdown file in a text editor of your choice, have Meadow watch that file, and have the markdown contents transformed to HTML and displayed in the browser whenever you save the file. Given how modern browsers can print to file as a PDF, along with the ability to add custom CSS, you can create good looking PDF documents without having to use special word processing software.
Grab a copy of Meadow from the Releases tab for your specific system. Alternatively, if you have golang 1.12+ installed then you can run:
$ go get
$ go install
If you do get the source then you can navigate into the sample directory which contains simple markdown file to take Meadow out for a spin.
Running Meadow is simple, just call:
$ meadow
By default Meadow will apply a default Github CSS that is
applied to the HTML output; however, you can pass -css your_CSS_file.css
to Meadow and that CSS will be applied on top of
the existing default CSS. This custom CSS file is ordered to come
after the default so you can override any of the existing styles.
Further, the custom CSS file is also watched, along with your markdown
file, so can make interactive changes and see them hot-reloaded into
the browser.
Note, that when you are down previewing your markdown file, just close the open tab in your browser and meadow will shutdown appropriately.