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Kickstart Wordpress development with Composer, Bower and Grunt

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Wordpress Conductor is a framwork for kickstarting Wordpress development. By combining composer, bower and grunt it is possible to control third party packages and versions.

Version: 0.1.9


  • mkdir my-project, cd my-project
  • git clone .
  • npm install
  • grunt deploy (or grunt re-deploy) and fill in your credentials.
  • Open http://localhost/my-project/wordpress/wp-admin and be awesome!

Available tasks

Grunt is a taskrunner, so we need some tasks :) Ofcourse we need npm install first, to install the necessary node modules.

grunt conduct

This task will run:

  • php composer.phar self-update will update composer.phar to its latest version
  • php composer.phar update will update all composer packages
  • bower install will install all bower packages
  • bower update will check and update all bower packages

grunt deploy

This task will completely deploy your environment:

  • Prompt for multiple credentials (for the next steps)
  • Run bower, composer
  • Download Wordpress
  • Create a wp-config.php file with all necessary constants
  • Install Wordpress
  • Install selected plugins
  • Setup your theme (based on scaffold-child)
  • Set some settings

grunt re-deploy

This task is used when you already ran grunt deploy and you moved your environment with git/ftp:

  • Run bower, composer
  • Download Wordpress
  • Create a wp-config.php
  • Install plugins

grunt scaffold

This task copies scaffold-child to a new theme

grunt wp-download

Used to download Wordpress. It will move wordpress in the right folder (/wordpress).

grunt wp-config

Create a wp-config.php file.

grunt wp-install

Run Wordpress install process.

grunt wp-plugins

Download the selected Wordpress plugins

grunt wp-settings

Set the same settings as grunt deploy does

grunt wp-update

Runs a wordpress, db and plugin update

Installing utilities

Because we use multiple utilities within Conductor. I will show you how to install them. Some installations will be harder than others, but believe me, this will make your life easier :)


Git is used for version control. Installing it is not very hard and is weel explained on this page: Installing Git. Installing on your local machine is even easier with the installers.


It's not really about installing PHP, but setting some variables for utilities that use PHP, like WP-CLI. Just add this to your ~/.bash_profile and it will save you some time:

export WP_CLI_PHP="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/{your-php-version}/bin/php"
export MAMP_PHP="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/{your-php-version}/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin"


It is not necessary to install composer, because we included a composer.phar file. But if you want to execute composer update rather than php composer.phar update, have a look at Composers' website.


Node isn't hard to install too. Just visit their website and click install.


When Node (and npm) are installed, it's easy to install Bower. Just run the command npm install -g bower.


And last but not least, Grunt. Like bower it is installed with npm. It's all done with this command: npm install -g grunt-cli.


Do you have some extra information about installing utilities or do you see some code that can be improved, please Fork and Pull Request.

Happy Coding!


Kickstart Wordpress development with Composer, Bower and Grunt






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