Python package designed to complement and extend the piblin library, offering a set of transforms tailored for analysis of rheological data. Publication of this work is forthcoming. For now, if you use this software, please cite it using the metadata in the citation file.
Documentation to learn more about the package and how to use its API will be available soon. In the meantime, tutorial notebooks can be found in the tutorial_notebooks folder
is in the PyPI! You can easily install it using pip
pip install hermes-rheo
and likewise update it:
pip install hermes-rheo --upgrade
Once the package has been installed, you can simply import its modules:
from hermes_rheo.transforms.rheo_analysis import RheoAnalysis
The file_readers directory, contains an example file reader for rheological data collected using TA TRIOS software. This reader was designed to read .txt files generated via the "Export to LIMS" command in TRIOS. Starting with TRIOS V5, a new export format, .json, has been introduced. See new features here, and a reader for this format is currently in development.
For other formats or instruments, users can develop custom readers while still utilizing the package's data transforms for analysis. For assistance in developing a reader for your data format, please contact aperego[at]
The tutorial_notebooks folder, contains multiple examples that showcase the software’s functionality in detail.
This repository follows the naming conventions in PEP-8, docstring conventions in PEP-257 and versioning conventions in PEP-440. The pytest library is used for testing, using the pytest-html and pytest-cov plugins. Documentation is produced with Sphinx and all docstrings are written in the numpy format. Distributions are produced with setuptools and conda-build. The use of the conventional commits format for commit messages is suggested but not enforced.
Inquiries and suggestions can be directed to aperego[at]