Keycloak implementation in Docker envirenment with Demo Wordpress blog and kali ttyd.
Keycloak is an open source Identity and Access Management solution aimed at modern applications and services.
This project shows how to add Keycloak authentication to any web service with a builtin authentication layer (blog) or not (ttyd).
I run all my docker services behind traefik that receives requests on behalf of your system and finds out which components are responsible for handling them.
PostgreSQL database used to persist Keycloak data.
MySQL database is required by Wordpress to store and retrieve all of its data, including article content, user profiles, and other custom plugins.
IBM Security Verify Tenant
IBM Verify Mobile Application
Adding the services hostnames in /etc/hosts: traefik.docker.local auth.docker.local wordpress.docker.local ttyd.docker.local
Docker network creation:
user@docker:~$ cd /path/to/repo.git
user@docker:~$ cat ./init/
docker network create transit_idp
docker network create transit_ttyd
docker network create transit_wp
user@docker:~$ ./init/
Generate local certificates for Traefik using mkcert :
user@docker:~$ cd /path/to/repo.git
# If it's the firt install of mkcert, run
user@docker:~$ mkcert -install
# Generate certificate for domain "docker.local", "domain.local" and their sub-domains
user@docker:~$ mkcert -cert-file certs/local-cert.pem -key-file certs/local-key.pem "docker.local" "*.docker.local" "domain.local" "*.domain.local"
user@docker:~$ docker-compose up -d
user@docker:~$ docker-compose logs -f
Reverse proxy: Traefik
Auth: Keycloak + Postgres
App1: Wordpress + MySQL a demo Wordpress blog (SAML)
App2: Kali-ttyd is a tool Kali terminal shared over the web (OIDC)
App3: whoami Go based image to return info about the host
Once you're finished playing around with this project, you can delete it and all the resources associated it by running:
user@docker:~$ docker-compose down --volumes
- Keycloak Documentation
- Keycloak Proxy Documentation
- Traefik Documentation
- Wordpress Documentation
- Ttyd Documentation
Wordpress Plugin installed for SAML workflow: