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- 8Bit_JogjaNoise Public
mini version of the 8Bit Mixtape for use in small stompbox aluminium enclosures
- ESPTINY86_MixtapePCB Public
- 8Bit-Mixtape-NEO Public
New Attiny85 based edition with Bootloader to program it via sound. Add this to your additional hardware manager: or directly program by playing the .wav files from this website:
- FlexiATiny85-AudioBoot Public Forked from idiot-io/FlexiATiny85-AudioBoot
Fexible ATtiny85 PCB w/ Audio Bootloader
- NeoDocs Public
main 8BitMixtape Developer wiki (this is autogenerated by travis-ci, actual wiki file is in )
- 8Bitmixtape_reworked Public
Complete revision of files - Now full with KiCad 5 and svg2shenzhen. Many new designs available!!
- 8Bit_EuroRack-7hp Public
8Bit Mixtape goes Modular!! Due to popular requests... adapted and improved the mixtape circuit to fit into standard Eurorack Modular format