Specific tool for creating acupuncture points and needles.
- Turn on Quick Edit at the top right corner
- Click on a desired location on the surface
- A dialog will appear, enter the region and group name then press confirm to create a point.
- Click on user created points.
- A temporary lines normal to the nearest surface and a dialog will also appear, enter the region and group name then press confirm to create a line.
- Needles can be lengthened/shortened and move using the primitives control.
- The control for the needles can be bought up after clicking on the corresponding item in the tree widget on the left.
- Needles information can be viewed by pressing on the Display Needles Informaion button on the top right.
- Currently avaialable information include the name of objects in contact, distancce between the head and contact points, and coordinates of the contact point is currently
- Points and Needles can be imported and exported using the Import / Export button on the top right.
npm run serve
Scaffoldvuer is available on npm and can be installed into your project with the following command:
npm i @abi-software/tara-scaffoldvuer
Install the package in your vue app project with the following command "npm i @abi-software/tara-scaffoldvuer". Import the package in your script as followed:
<script setup>
import { TaraScaffoldVuer } from '@abi-software/tara-scaffoldvuer';
import "@abi-software/tara-scaffoldvuer/dist/style.css";
<div id="app">
<TaraScaffoldVuer :url="url"/>
export default {
name: "app",
data: function () {
return {
url: "Some URL"