DukePro(f) is a schedule-planning desktop application that assists university professors in managing their consultations. Amidst long hours of lectures and tutorials in the week, professors may still need to cater timeslots for student consultations, which can be hard to come by and difficult to keep track of.
It is named DukePro(f)
(Duke-Professor) because our project's target audience is professors, and it is also a nod
to our CS2103T iP (individual Project), which was named Duke
With DukePro(f), professors will be able to:
- Add, edit, and delete your consultations
- List all of your consultations, or just your next consultation
- List your free time slots for consultation booking
- Block certain time slots to ensure your consultations don't clash with other commitments
- List all of the time slots that you've blocked so far
- And many more!
This project is a part of the se-education.org initiative. If you would like to contribute code to this project, see se-education.org for more info.