This project was started to fill a gap in reinforcement learning frameworks for AI/economics research, given the potential impact that RL algorithims could have on the economy. It follows a gymnasium-style environment with reset() and step() methods, supports multi-agent training, and includes a React rendering of the environment.
Code snippet of a GatheringAgent(random action if previous reward == 0, repeat action if previous reward != 0) on a 10x10 grid with one resource - Wood.
from src.env.default_environments import SimpleEnvironment
from src.agents.simple.GatheringAgent import GatheringAgent
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
steps = 1000
# set the environment with a default environment
# steps is given for debug purposes for now - will change in the future
Env = SimpleEnvironment()
Env.max_timesteps = steps
action_space = Env.action_space
state_space = Env.state_space
# using four GatheringAgents in the environment
agents = [GatheringAgent() for _ in range(4)]
# provide the environment with the agents for rendering, random starting states, trading, etc
for episode in range(100000):
state, info = Env.reset()
for i in range(steps):
# environment is fast - using sleep to slow it down
actions = [agent.select_action(state) for agent in agents]
state, rewards, done = Env.step(actions)
if True in done:
print(episode, Env.cumulative_rewards)
Below is an GIF of GatheringAgents (note: this is a larger grid, with more resources than the SimpleEnvironment included in the code snippet above).
currently working on a docker image to make rendering more accessible.
Features (estimated percent completed):
- map generation (25%)
- resources (40%)