Reinforcement learning (Q learning with function approximation) with human feedback implemented in Pacman environment
This work is built upon the UC Berkley's Pacman environment ( To teach Pacman to play the game, we design features (described below) and use function approximation for Q learning algorithm. Human feedback can be provided using these features to guide agent's learning. The agent can correct underperforming behavior and learn about unseen situations from good feedback. In 6 trial runs with total of 18 episodes with and without feedback, we recorded an average reward improvement of about 20 percent using the feedback mechanism. An introduction to the concepts involved from Markov Decison Process (MDP) to Q-learning with function approximation (with emphasis on the Pacman agent) can be found in the Theory.pdf.
Requires Python2
- Move into src directory using "cd src"
- Normal Pacman game can be run using "python2"
- To let Pacman train and show what it learnt use: "bash" or "python2 -p ApproximateQAgent -a extractor=SimpleExtractorPellet -x 10 -n 11 -l mediumClassic"
- To run the program with feedback mode enabled use: "bash" or "python2 -p ApproximateQAgentFeedback -a extractor=SimpleExtractorPellet -x 0 -n 4 -l mediumClassic"
- Option: Read from file - is for loading feature weights from previous run
- Option: Write to file - is for storing weights after runs to read next time
- Option: Explore - to choose a random action with a probability (Required for learning).
- Option: Use queries - to give feedback for next 3 games
- Use f, t, t, f to run with exploration, without feedback and write weights to file. (We used this for 3 episodes to allow agent to learn some basic rules)
- Use t, f, f, t to load weights and use feedback without exploration. (We used this for 4 episodes to test feedback mechanism)
- Use t, f, f, f to load same weights and run without feedback or exploration. (We ran this 4 times as well)
Comparision of performance in 2 and 3 will show the effect of using feedback.
The results of our experiments are documented in results.txt
We have provided additional features to incentivize Pacman to hunt and eat scared ghosts in this program. Feedback can be provided by adding/decreasing importance of following:
- bias
- run into scared ghosts 1 step away
- run into non-scared ghosts 1 step away
- eat food
- distance to closest food
- hunt scared ghost
To increase importance of a feature use +, to decrease importance use -.
For example:
- 6 + (Increase importance of hunting scared ghost)
- 3 - (Increase importance of running from normal ghost)
- -1 -1 (End of feedback)
Abhiramon R. and Suraj Singh