SQL-Sensi is a Telegram bot designed to help users learn and practice MySQL. It provides an interactive platform where users can connect to a database, execute SQL commands, and share tables with other users. The bot also offers sample tables and data to help users get started quickly.

Just add the bot @SQLsensei_bot
Here's what SQL-Sensi currently offers and what's coming soon:
- Direct Database Connection: Connect directly to your MySQL database with secure credentials
- SQL Command Execution: Run SQL queries directly through Telegram with support for all major SQL operations
- Sample Data: Pre-built tables and sample data for practice and learning
- AI Assistance: Get help from AI to solve MySQL problems and generate queries
- Command Reference: Comprehensive help system listing all available commands and their usage
- Interactive Learning: Practice SQL with immediate feedback and results
- Enhanced Table Sharing: Share your tables and data structures with other users for collaborative learning
- Query Templates: Pre-built query templates for common database operations
- Query History: Track and revisit your previously executed queries
- Performance Analytics: Get insights into your query performance and optimization suggestions
- Custom Datasets: Import your own datasets for practice
- Interactive Tutorials: Step-by-step SQL learning modules with hands-on exercises
SQL-Sensi is also available as a
First pull the image
docker pull ghcr.io/advik-b/sql-sensi:latest
And run it
docker run -d \
--name sql-sensi \
-e DB_HOST=your_database_host \
-e DB_USER=your_database_user \
-e DB_PASS=your_database_password \
-e TELEGRAM_TOKEN=your_telegram_api_key \
-e GEMINI_API_KEY=your_gemini_api_key \
--restart unless-stopped \
To deploy SQL-Sensi using Docker Compose, follow these steps:
Download docker-compose.yml to a folder and
into it -
Create a
file in the same folder and add the required environment variables:DB_HOST=your_database_host DB_USER=your_database_user DB_PASS=your_database_password TELEGRAM_TOKEN=your_telegram_api_key GEMINI_API_KEY=your_gemini_api_key
Run the following command to start the services:
docker-compose up -d
You can directly download the linux binary from releases
π§ Linux Binary: sql.sensi
ποΈ Linux Binary (7-Zipped): sql.sensi.7z
- Go compiler installed
git clone https://github.com/Advik-B/SQL-Sensi.git
cd sql-sensi
go build -gcflags="all=-l -B" -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags '-static'" -trimpath -o sql.sensi
Variable Name | Description | Importance |
The mysql database host | REQUIRED |
The mysql database user to connect with | REQUIRED |
The mysql database password | REQUIRED |
The telegram bot token | REQUIRED |
The Gemini API key for ai features | OPTIONAL |