This web application is an online tool for working with the software packages of the Haiku operating system. The web application aims to provide the following functionality:
- An internet-accessible catalog of the packages.
- A repository of additional data related to packages that is not included in the standard package format - such as;
- Screenshots
- Iconography
- Localizations
- User-feedback
- A user interface to manipulate the additional data.
- A mechanism to vend this additional data to HaikuDepot, a desktop application for managing packages.
Environment | URL |
Production | |
Test | |
A mailing list exists to discuss and coordinate the project.
The core part of the project is a java servlet application and is built using maven. A module of the project called "haikudepotserver-docs" contains a LaTeX document that outlines how to setup a development environment for the application. To build the documentation, you should;
- Install a modern LaTeX distribution
- Install Java (1.7 or better)
- Install Maven
- Clone the source tree
- Set the present working directory to "haikudepotserver-docs" in the source tree
- Execute "mvn latex:latex"
A PDF document should be generated at "target/docs.pdf".
- Haiku homepage
- HaikuPorts homepage (for external packages)
- Haiku package management documentation
- Usage help