- Pasadena, California, USA
- 7h behind - https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaLand.jl
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9521-5092
- @ARenchon
"Glorious Engrammer" keymap for Glove80 keyboard
Mirror of https://code.tecosaur.net/tec/About.jl
Autonomous coding agent right in your IDE, capable of creating/editing files, executing commands, using the browser, and more with your permission every step of the way.
Some utility functions for helping with customized Pkg.jl operations
Activate your test enviroment, so you can use your test dependencies in the REPL
A framework to define and output observables and statistics from CliMA simulations
Documentation with Documenter.jl and VitePress
An analysis library for ClimaDiagnostics (and, more generally, NetCDF files)
experimental measurements of fluorescence yields
Contains all universal constant and physical parameters in CLIMA
Efficient and type-stable physical quantities in Julia
Photosynthesis models for C3 and C4 photosynthesis.
Visualize the dependency graph of a Julia package