Miscellaneous Geode utils to make development easier:
Familiar modify syntax as Geode, supporting fields. class $nodeModify(SomeNode)
You can name the modified node the same way as well class $nodeModify(MySomeNode, SomeNode)
To use this, you will create a void modify()
method within that class and inside of there you can change the node to your hearts content. You can use the fields struct just like in Geode to add fields if needed.
To edit the priority (lets say another mod modifies the same node using this) you can add static int modifyPrio()
to the class which should return an integer value that is the priority you wish to set.
Full Example modifying BetterInfo's CustomCreatorLayer:
class $nodeModify(MyCustomCreatorLayer, CustomCreatorLayer) {
static int modifyPrio() {
return 10;
struct Fields {
int m_number = 0;
void modify() {
CCSprite* spr = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_playBtn_001.png");
CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* btn = CCMenuItemSpriteExtra::create(spr, this, menu_selector(MyCustomCreatorLayer::onEpicButton));
if (CCMenu* creatorButtonsMenu = typeinfo_cast<CCMenu*>(getChildByID("cvolton.betterinfo/creator-buttons-menu"))) {
void onEpicButton(CCObject* obj) {
log::info("m_number {}", m_fields->m_number);
Getting sprites while ignoring Texture Loader fallback:
std::optional<cocos2d::CCSprite*> getSprite(const char* sprName)
std::optional<cocos2d::CCSprite*> getSpriteByFrameName(const char* sprFrameName)
Getting a layer from the scene even during transition:
std::optional<cocos2d::CCNode*> getLayer()
std::optional<cocos2d::CCNode*> getLayerByClassName(std::string className)
Setting a node color by hex code:
bool setColorByHex(cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol* node, std::string colorHex)
Checking if a parent node contains a node anywhere in a tree:
bool hasNode(cocos2d::CCNode* child, cocos2d::CCNode* parent)
Getting a child by class name dynamically:
std::optional<cocos2d::CCNode*> getChildByClassName(cocos2d::CCNode* node, std::string name, int index = 0)
Getting a node's class name:
std::string getClassName(cocos2d::CCObject* obj, bool removeNamespace = false)
Getting a random number:
int getRandomNumber(int lower, int upper)