Helm charts for getting started with ClickHouse® and ClickHouse Keeper.
These samples demonstrate straightforward Helm charts that can be used to deploy ClickHouse and ClickHouse Keeper. The examples are intended as starting points for more complex configurations and do not cover all possible uses cases.
For more complex configurations, consider applying your own ClickHouseInstallation
and ClickHouseKeeperInstallation
resources. The cluster settings documentation is a good starting point.
To get started, you'll need to:
- Get administrative access to Kubernetes. For testing, Minikube will do the job.
- Install kubectl
- Install helm
- (Optional) Use helm to install the clickhouse-operator using the commands shown below.
Installing the Operator first provides better control when uninstalling clusters.
helm repo add clickhouse-operator https://docs.altinity.com/clickhouse-operator/
helm install clickhouse-operator clickhouse-operator/altinity-clickhouse-operator
Please refer to the Altinity Operator project instructions for details on operator upgrade with Helm, including running custom resource definition files independently.
- clickhouse: All-in-one chart to deploy a ClickHouse cluster (and optionally Keeper and the Altinity Operator)
- clickhouse: An EKS-specific chart for high-availability ClickHouse clusters.
Since Release 0.24.0 keeper can be managed with a custom resource. These charts are deprecated and may not receive further updates:
- clickhouse-keeper-sts: Deploys ClickHouse Keeper using StatefulSets for better data persistence.
- keeper-sts: Deploys ClickHouse Keeper using StatefulSets for better data persistence.
# add the kubernetes-blueprints-for-clickhouse chart repository
helm repo add altinity https://helm.altinity.com
# use this command to install any of the avaiable charts
helm install release-name altinity/[chart-name] --namespace clickhouse --create-namespace
# check chart release status
helm status release-name --namespace clickhouse
There are several examples available. You can use them with a command like:
helm install release-name --namespace clickhouse --create-namespace -f path/to/examples/values-simple.yaml altinity/clickhouse
Please refer to any of helm charts
file for detailed instructions about each of the them.
We welcome contributions from the community! If you encounter issues or have improvements to suggest, please log an issue or submit a PR.
All code, unless specified otherwise, is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. Copyright (c) 2025 Altinity, Inc.