this is a template project for a Node application with typescript support, this template has some npm scripts that help you getting started quickly. This template uses dotenv library for setting/getting env variables. Make sure u dont serve the .env file in production
- node
- npm // if not installed with node
Quick use:
- npm i
Prebuild npm scripts:
- start // runs project with node
- dev // runs project with nodemon for development
- build // compiles project ts code from src/ folder and outputs it into dist/
- my basic structure for express applications
- basic routes included which can be testet after serving the project at http://localhost:5000/tickets (POST, GET)
- a basic logger middleware which saves some information on every request hitting the application ["method", "url", "date"]
- for production make sure u add .env to your gitignore file, since you dont want to serve publish that in production