This project is archived and is for future reference only. Use code samples at your own risk.
VS-LaTeX-Include generates a .tex file containing stylized content based on different file types (Code, Images, PDF,...) from a folder. You can customize the output .tex according to your needs.
- Change Title, Date and other basic inormation
- Add Sections and subsections
- Change the order of your listed files
Say you want to include different files in different folders in a .tex file.
VS-LaTeX-Include does the job for you so you don't have to worry about those pesky path declerations.
Place the executable wherever you desire and run it.
There is a possibility to register the .exe in the registry. This allows you to use LaTexInclude via the context menu (right click on a file or a folder) and start LaTexInclude with the file(s) in its List. If you uncheck the "Start with context" setting under "Settings -> General" an output.tex file will be generated in the folder you are in.
In order to add the context menu item you need to do the following:
- Start the .exe as administrator
- Go to settings -> advanced
- Click one of the buttons (File/Folder)
- Enjoy
Built with Visual Studio
- MVVM Light Toolkit
- Install-Package WindowsAPICodePack-Core
- Install-Package WindowsAPICodePack-ExtendedLinguisticServices
- Install-Package WindowsAPICodePack-Sensors
- Install-Package WindowsAPICodePack-Shell
- Install-Package WindowsAPICodePack-ShellExtensions
- Install-Package Extended.Wpf.Toolkit
- Install-Package Costura.Fody
- Install-CleanReferencesTarget
- Install-Package MahApps.Metro