I am a front-end-focused full-stack software engineer with a linguistics and language tutoring background. My fascination with language’s structure and logic naturally led me to coding, where I discovered the same patterns and problem-solving elements. After completing the Scrimba Front-End Career Path and Northcoders full-stack bootcamp, I now work on the open-source project Kindly and continue developing my skills with Founders and Coders, collaborating with a team on the latest technologies.
🛠️ Currently working on authentication for the nc-news website and contributing to the Kindly open-source project (never a dull moment in coding!)
🌱 Learning Next.js and expanding my skills with every new framework.
💬 Feel free to ask me anything—I'm always open to chat.
📫 How to reach me: my-linkedin
😄 Pronouns: she/her
⚡ Fun fact: I can interrupt even the most intense conversation with, "Oooh, look at that dog!" like it’s an emergency. Because honestly, it is.