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AppDynamics Kubernetes Events Monitor Extension

This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.

Use Case

Monitor Metrics provided by the Kubernetes Events API and let them report into the AppDynamics Analytics Events.


  • This extension requires the Java Machine Agent
  • The AppDynamics platform needs the Events Service set up
  • You will need one or more Transaction Analytics/APM Peak licenses to consume the data


Either Download the Extension from the latest Github release or Build from Source.

  1. Deploy the KubernetesEventsMonitor-<VERSION>.zip file into the <machine agent home>/monitors directory.

> unzip KubernetesEventsMonitor-<VERSION>.zip -d <machine agent home>/monitors/

  1. Set up config.yml. At minimum this is:
  # Path to your kubectl Client configuration
  kubeClientConfig: "$HOME/.kube/config"

  # Events API Key obtained from AppDynamics --> Analytics --> Configuration API Keys --> Add
  # The API Key you create needs to be able to Manage and Publish Custom Analytics Events
  eventsApiKey: ""

  # Global Account Name obtained from
  # AppDynamics --> Settings --> License --> Accounts --> Global Account Name
  accountName: ""
  1. Restart the Machine Agent.

Build from Source

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run mvn -DskipTests clean install
  3. The KubernetesEventsMonitor-<VERSION>.zip file can be found in the target directory

Directory Structure

Directory/File Description
src/main/resources/config Contains monitor.xml and config.yml
src/main/java Contains source code for the Kubernetes Events monitoring extension
src/test/java Contains test code for the Kubernetes Events monitoring extension
target Only obtained when using maven. Run 'maven clean install' to get the distributable .zip file.
pom.xml maven build script to package the project (required only if changing Java code)


Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly via GitHub.


  1. Verify Machine Agent Data: Please start the Machine Agent without the extension and make sure that it reports data. Verify that the machine agent status is UP and it is reporting Hardware Metrics.
  2. config.yml: Validate the file here
  3. Check Logs: There could be some obvious errors in the machine agent logs. Please take a look.
  4. The config cannot be null error. This usually happenes when on a windows machine in monitor.xml you give config.yaml file path with linux file path separator /. Use Windows file path separator ** e.g. monitors\Monitor\config.yaml. For Windows, please specify the complete path
  5. Collect Debug Logs: Edit the file, /conf/logging/log4j.xml and update the level of the appender com.appdynamics and com.singularity to debug. Let it run for 5-10 minutes and attach the logs to a support ticket.


For any questions or feature request, please contact AppDynamics Center of Excellence.