npm install
npx expo start
# generate the ios project with everything
npx expo prebuild --clean
# rebuild ios project w/o react native pods (so you iterate on SwiftUI)...
npx expo prebuild --template node_modules/@bacons/apple-targets/prebuild-blank.tgz --clean
# rebuild after apple-target config changes...
npx expo prebuild --template node_modules/@bacons/apple-targets/prebuild-blank.tgz -p ios
# open xcode to the generated ios project...
xed ios
# install the eas cli
npm install -g eas-cli
# login (plus need access to the eas "zillowgroup" organization)
eas login
# create a build
# this example creates an iOS build with the preview profile...
# this profile uses the preview channel...
eas build --platform ios --profile preview
# upload an "over the air" update to the desired channel
eas update --channel preview --message "my update"
# republish previous version
eas update:republish --branch {branch}