C++11 Dependency Injection (IoC - inversion of control) class using variadic templates and shared pointers. This ought to give a good example of variadic templates usage and other C++11 features such as auto and shared_ptr.
The implementation behind the goatnative::Inject is taken from www.codeproject.com/Articles/567981/AnplusIOCplusContainerplususingplusVariadicplusTem I've extended that implementation by:
- Adding a registerInterface method that lets you map interfaces to previously registered instance classes.
- Register types to their dependencies.
- Register as singleton.
- Register interfaces to to concrete types.
- Thread safe.
- Currently injection is done only via constructor.
- Injectee constructors are expected to have shared_ptr to each injected types
#include "Injector/goatnative/Injector.h"
#include <iostream>
using goatnative::Injector;
class IHello
virtual void hello() const = 0;
virtual ~IHello() = default;
class Hello : public IHello
virtual void hello() const
std::cout << "hello world!" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
Injector injector;
// Let's register the concrete class
// Now register IHello with Hello so that each time we ask for IHello
// We get Hello -
injector.registerInterface<IHello, Hello>();
auto helloInstance = injector.getInstance<IHello>();
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include "Injector/goatnative/Injector.h"
using goatnative::Injector;
class IExecutor
virtual void execute(std::function<void()> func) = 0;
virtual ~IExecutor() = default;
class SyncExecutor : public IExecutor
void execute(std::function<void()> func) override
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
Injector injector;
// Here we're registering IExecutor with SyncExecutor as singleton
injector.registerInterface<IExecutor, SyncExecutor>();
// Whenever we'll ask for IExecutor we'll get the same instance of SyncExecutor
auto executor1 = injector.getInstance<IExecutor>();
auto executor2 = injector.getInstance<IExecutor>();
// Compare returned pointer which are expected to be the same
assert(executor1.get() == executor2.get());
return 0;
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include "Injector/goatnative/Injector.h"
using goatnative::Injector;
class NullObject
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
Injector injector;
// Here's an example of how to register a manually created instance of an object
auto nullInstance = std::make_shared<NullObject>();
auto null1 = injector.getInstance<NullObject>();
auto null2 = injector.getInstance<NullObject>();
assert(null1.get() == null2.get());
assert(null1.get() == nullInstance.get());
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "Injector/goatnative/Injector.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using goatnative::Injector;
class ICar
virtual void startIgnition() = 0;
virtual ~ICar() = default;
class IEngine
virtual double getVolume() const = 0;
virtual ~IEngine() = default;
class IWheels
virtual bool inflated() const = 0;
virtual ~IWheels() = default;
class Engine : public IEngine
virtual double getVolume() const override
return 10.5;
class Wheels : public IWheels
virtual bool inflated() const override
return false;
class Car : public ICar
Car(shared_ptr<IEngine> engine, shared_ptr<IWheels> wheels) : _engine(engine), _wheels(wheels)
virtual void startIgnition()
std::cout << "starting ignition, engine volume: " << _engine->getVolume()
<< ", wheels inflated? " << _wheels->inflated() << std::endl;
shared_ptr<IEngine> _engine;
shared_ptr<IWheels> _wheels;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
Injector injector;
// Here's an example of a more complex graph of objects tied together
// using Injector -
// Engine
injector.registerInterface<IEngine, Engine>();
// Wheels
injector.registerInterface<IWheels, Wheels>();
// Register car with its dependencies - IEngine and IWheels (required by its ctor)
injector.registerClass<Car, IEngine, IWheels>();
injector.registerInterface<ICar, Car>();
// Car is instansiated with instances of Engine, Wheels and Car automatically!
auto car = injector.getInstance<Car>();
return 0;
- See more examples in main.cpp
- Move tests from main.cpp to Google Test.