This module used the node-ipc module to provide a binding between the BITS MessageCenter and external applications. This allows external processes to directly send and receive BITS events, requests, and responses.
git clone
cd bits-node-ipc
npm install
ln -s $PWD $BITS_HOME/data/base/modules/modules/bits-node-ipc
The client folder contains an example C++11 application and the MesageCenter header file.
First you include the MessageCenter header file and construct a MessageCenter
object. The bits-node-ipc
module creates a Unix Domain Socket at
#include "MessageCenter.h"
MessageCenter messageCenter("/tmp/bits.systemid");
Requests are sent via the sendRequest() method:
json response = messageCenter.sendRequest("base#System bitsId");
std::string systemId = response[0];
Events are sent with the sendEvent() method:
messageCenter.sendEvent("bits-ipc#Client connected");
Request and Event Listeners are also supported:
void onHeartbeat(const json &msg) {
cout << "Received Heartbeat" << msg << endl;
json handlePing(const json &ping) {
cout << "Received PING" << ping << endl;
json resp;
resp["pong"] = std::time(0)*1000;
return resp;
// handle the 'heartbeat' message
messageCenter.addEventListener("bits-ipc#heartbeat", onHeartbeat);
// handle 'ping' request
messageCenter.addRequestListener("bits-ipc#ping", handlePing);