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Introduction to using Azure Verified Modules for Terraform
A walk through lab demonstrating how to use the Azure Verified Modules for Terraform.

Introduction to using Azure Verified Modules for Terraform

This is a lab based sample that demonstrates how to use the Azure Verified Modules for Terraform. The repository contains the full working solution, but you should follow the steps in the lab to understand how it fits together.


File/folder Description
labs The files for the lab.
.gitignore Define what to ignore at commit time. List of changes to the sample. Guidelines for contributing to the sample. This README file. The license for the sample.


This sample deploys the following features:

  • Virtual network
  • Subnets
  • Network security groups
  • Virtual machines
  • Azure Bastion Host
  • Managed identities
  • Key Vault
  • Storage account with customer managed key
  • Private end points and associated private DNS zones

architecture diagram

Getting Started



The instructions for this sample are in the form of a Lab. Follow along with them to get up and running.

Demo / Lab

Part 0 - Get the lab files and login to Azure

In this part we are going to get a local copy of the lab files for use in the rest of the lab.

  1. Create a new root folder for the lab in a location of your choice.

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the new folder.

  3. Run git clone to clone the lab files into the new folder, they will be in a subfolder called avm-terraform-labs.

    git clone
    mkdir avm-lab

    Your file structure should now look like this:

    ┣ 📂avm-lab
    ┗ 📂avm-terraform-labs
  4. Open Visual Studio Code.

    code .
  5. Open the VSCode Terminal and navigate to the avm-lab folder.

    cd avm-lab
  6. Run az login to login to your Azure subscription.

  7. Run az account show to show the current subscription. Run az account set --subscription <subscription-id> to set the subscription if it is not the one you want to use.

  8. Set your subscription ID environment variable with $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = $(az account show --query id -o tsv). This is required by the azurerm provider since v4.

Part 1 - Base files and resources

In this part we are going to setup our Terraform root module and deploy an Azure Resource Group and Log Analytics Workspace ready for the rest of the lab. In this part we introduce out first Azure Verified Module, the avm-res-log-analytics-workspace module.

  1. Copy the files from the part 1 folder into the avm-lab folder.

    copy ../avm-terraform-labs/labs/part01-base/* .

    Your file structure should look like this:

    ┣ 📂avm-lab
    ┃ ┣ 📜.gitignore
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┗ 📜
    ┗ 📂avm-terraform-labs
  2. Examine the terraform block in and note that we are referencing the azurerm and random providers.

  3. Examine the,, and files.

  4. Examine the file and note the source and version properties.

  5. Create an environment variable to set the location variable:

    $env:TF_VAR_location = "<azure region>"

    Replace <azure region> with a valid Azure location of your choice (e.g. uksouth).

    $env:TF_VAR_location = "uksouth"

    IMPORTANT: If you are following this lab in Skillable, the region must be set to uksouth or you'll get a policy error.

  6. Create a file called terraform.tfvars and add the following code to it:

    tags = {
      type = "avm"
      env  = "demo"
  7. Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform configuration.

  8. Run terraform plan -out tfplan to see what resources will be created and create a plan file.

  9. Run terraform apply tfplan to create the resources based on the plan file.

  10. If your run is successful, you will see:

    Apply complete! Resources: 7 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  11. Take note of the outputs from the terraform apply command, they should look like this:

    resource_ids = {
      "log_analytics_workspace" = "/subscriptions/b857908d-3f5c-4477-91c1-0fbd08df4e88/resourceGroups/rg-demo-dev-uksouth-001/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/law-demo-dev-uksouth-001"
      "resource_group" = "/subscriptions/b857908d-3f5c-4477-91c1-0fbd08df4e88/resourceGroups/rg-demo-dev-uksouth-001"
    resource_names = {
      "log_analytics_workspace_name" = "law-demo-dev-uksouth-001"
      "resource_group_name" = "rg-demo-dev-uksouth-001"
  12. Navigate to the Azure Portal and review the resources that have been created.

  13. Run git init -b main to initialize a new git repository.

  14. Run git add . to stage the files.

  15. Run git commit -m "Initial commit" to commit the files.

  16. If you are prompted to set up a git Author identity, follow the instructions and then re-run the git commit command.

    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global "First Last"

Part 2 - Virtual network and subnets

In this part we are going to add a virtual network and subnets to our Terraform configuration by leveraging the Azure Verified Module for Virtual Network. The Virtual Network is going to be used to provide private connectivity between and to our virtual machine, key vault and storage account.

IMPORTANT: This lab is incremental, you must not delete any files from the previous lab (especially the terraform.tfstate file). You must copy the files from the next lab into the avm-lab folder and only replace the existing files when prompted.

  1. Copy the files from the part 2 folder into the avm-lab folder. This will add some new files and replace some files.

    copy ../avm-terraform-labs/labs/part02-virtual-network/* .

    Your file structure should now look like this if you have followed the instructions correctly (this structure will continue to grow as you progress through the lab):

    ┣ 📂avm-lab
    ┃ ┣ 📂.git (hidden)
    ┃ ┣ 📂.terraform
    ┃ ┣ 📜.gitignore
    ┃ ┣ 📜.terraform.lock.hcl
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜 
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜
    ┃ ┣ 📜terraform.tfstate
    ┃ ┣ 📜terraform.tfvars
    ┃ ┣ 📜tfplan
    ┃ ┗ 📜
    ┗ 📂avm-terraform-labs
  2. Open your terraform.tfvars and update it with the following code, ensuring you replace the placeholder for a valid Azure location of your choice (e.g. uksouth):

    address_space_start_ip = ""
    address_space_size     = 22
    subnets = {
      AzureBastionSubnet = {
        size                       = 26
        has_nat_gateway            = false
        has_network_security_group = false
      private_endpoints = {
        size                       = 28
        has_nat_gateway            = false
        has_network_security_group = true
      virtual_machines = {
        size                       = 24
        has_nat_gateway            = true
        has_network_security_group = false
    tags = {
      type = "avm"
      env  = "demo"
  3. Run terraform init to install the AVM module for Virtual Networks.

  4. Navigate to the Source Control tab in Visual Studio Code and review the changes to the files.

  5. Open the file and look at each of the properties, paying close attention to the source and version properties.

  6. Examine the diagnostics settings in and take note that this same setting will be applied to all of the AVM modules in the lab.

  7. In order to find more detail about AVM modules, you can navigate to their documentation. For example, you can find the documentation for the Virtual Network module here. From there you can navigate to the source code and see the module's implementation here.

  8. Apply the changes with Terraform: terraform apply -auto-approve.

  9. Review the deployed resources in the Azure Portal.

  10. Commit the changes to git: git add . && git commit -m "Add virtual network and subnets".

Part 3 - Key Vault

In this part we are going to add a Key Vault to our Terraform configuration by leveraging the Azure Verified Module for Key Vault. The Key Vault is going to be used to store the customer managed key for our storage account and the SSH private key for our virtual machine.

  1. Copy the files from the part 3 folder into the avm-lab folder, remembering to retain the existing files and just add and overwrite when prompted.

    copy ../avm-terraform-labs/labs/part03-key-vault/* .
  2. Run terraform init to install the AVM module for Key Vault.

  3. Navigate to the Source Control tab in Visual Studio Code and review the changes to the files.

  4. Open the file and look at each of the properties, paying close attention to the private_endpoints and role_assignments variables.

  5. Apply the changes with Terraform: terraform apply -auto-approve.

  6. Review the deployed resources in the Azure Portal.

  7. Commit the changes to git: git add . && git commit -m "Add key vault".

Part 4 - Storage account

In this part we are going to add a Storage Account to our Terraform configuration by leveraging the Azure Verified Module for Storage Account. The Storage Account is the main component of our demo lab and we will interact with it later on.

  1. Copy the files from the part 4 folder into the avm-lab folder, remembering to retain the existing files and just add and overwrite when prompted.

    copy ../avm-terraform-labs/labs/part04-storage-account/* .
  2. Run terraform init to install the AVM module for Storage Account.

  3. Navigate to the Source Control tab in Visual Studio Code and review the changes to the files.

  4. Open the file and look at each of the properties, paying close attention to the managed_identities, customer_managed_key and containers variables.

  5. Note in the source control diff that we are adding a key to the Key Vault using the AVM module and assigning permissions for the user assigned managed identity to access the key.

  6. Apply the changes with Terraform: terraform apply -auto-approve.

  7. Review the deployed resources in the Azure Portal.

  8. Commit the changes to git: git add . && git commit -m "Add storage account".

Part 5 - Virtual machine and Bastion

In this part we are going to add a Virtual Machine to our Terraform configuration by leveraging the Azure Verified Module for Virtual Machine. The Virtual Machine is going to be used to interact with the Storage Account later. We are also going to add a role assignment to the storage module to assign permissions to the managed identity of the virtual machine to the storage container.

  1. Copy the files from the part 5 folder into the avm-lab folder, remembering to retain the existing files and just add an overwrite when prompted.

    copy ../avm-terraform-labs/labs/part05-virtual-machine/* .
  2. Run terraform init to install the AVM modules for Virtual Machine and Role Assignments.

  3. Apply the changes with Terraform. NOTE: We are applying this now, because the bastion can take a few minutes to deploy.

  4. Navigate to the Source Control tab in Visual Studio Code and review the changes to the files.

  5. Open the file and look at each of the properties, paying close attention to the generated_secrets_key_vault_secret_config and network_interfaces variables.

  6. Apply the changes with Terraform: terraform apply -auto-approve.

  7. Review the deployed resources in the Azure Portal.

  8. Commit the changes to git: git add . && git commit -m "Add virtual machine and bastion".

Part 6 - Connect to the VM via Bastion

In this part we are going to connect to the virtual machine via the Azure Bastion service using the SSH private key stored in the Key Vault.

  1. Open the Azure Portal and navigate to the VM.
  2. Click on the Connect button and select Bastion.
  3. Choose SSH Private Key from Azure Key Vault in the Authentication Type dropdown.
  4. Enter azureuser in the Username field.
  5. Select you subscription from the Subscription drop down.
  6. Select the Key Vault you created in the lab in the Azure Key Vault drop down.
  7. Select the secret you created in the lab in the Azure Key Vault Secret drop down.
  8. Click Connect. You may see a pop-up blocked message, click on the pop-up blocked icon in the address bar and select Always allow pop-ups and redirects from
  9. A new browser window will open with a terminal session to the VM.

Part 7 - Install the Azure CLI and login

We are going to install the Azure CLI and login with the system assigned managed identity of the VM from the Azure Bastion SSH terminal.

  1. Run curl -sL | sudo bash to install the Azure CLI.
  2. Run az login --identity to login with the system assigned managed identity.

Part 8 - Create a blob in the storage account

We are going to create a blob in the storage account using the Azure CLI form the Azure Bastion SSH terminal.

  1. Run echo "hello world" > hello.txt to create a file with some content.

  2. Run az storage blob upload --account-name <storage-account-name> --container-name demo --file hello.txt --name hello.txt --auth-mode login to upload the file to the storage account.

  3. Run az storage blob list --account-name <storage-account-name> --container-name demo --auth-mode login to list the blobs in the container.

  4. Run az storage blob download --account-name <storage-account-name> --container-name demo --name hello.txt --file hello2.txt --auth-mode login to download the blob to a new file.

  5. Run cat hello2.txt to view the contents of the downloaded file.

    Here are the commands to run, so you can copy to notepad and replace the placeholder with the storage account name you created in the lab. Then run the commands in the terminal:

    echo "hello world" > hello.txt
    az storage blob upload --account-name replace_me --container-name demo --file hello.txt --name hello.txt --auth-mode login
    az storage blob list --account-name replace_me --container-name demo --auth-mode login
    az storage blob download --account-name replace_me --container-name demo --name hello.txt --file hello2.txt --auth-mode login
    cat hello2.txt

Clean up

Finally we will clean up everything we have created in the lab.

  1. Run terraform destroy from the Visual Studio Code terminal to remove the resources created by Terraform.
  2. When prompted type yes and press Enter to confirm the destruction.
