Update CODEOWNERS #260
1 error and 1 warning
PerfTesting (premium)
# :warning: **Performance Alert** :warning:
Possible performance regression was detected for ***.
Benchmark result of this commit is worse than the previous *** result exceeding threshold `1.60`.
| Benchmark suite | Current: 50cdc3b81b7a025a35f154c8367f1827ac75adad | Previous: 8c6a53e527de17038fe4728d69ffee532c62f360 | Ratio |
| `write_1GB` | `674.3717325229384` MiB/s | `1079.635125316612` MiB/s | `1.60` |
This comment was automatically generated by [workflow](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-fuse/actions?query=workflow%3ABenchmark) using [github-action-***](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/continuous-***).
Comment was generated at https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-fuse/commit/50cdc3b81b7a025a35f154c8367f1827ac75adad#commitcomment-148049638
PerfTesting (premium)
Performance alert! Previous value was 1079.635125316612 and current value is 674.3717325229384. It is 1.60094955534022x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.6