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Use Cloud Shell for Mongo, Cassandra, Postgres Shells #2058

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions package-lock.json

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators": "7.12.12",
"@fluentui/react": "8.119.0",
"@fluentui/react-components": "9.54.2",
"@jupyterlab/services": "6.0.2",
"@jupyterlab/terminal": "3.0.3",
"@jupyterlab/services": "6.0.2",
"@microsoft/applicationinsights-web": "2.6.1",
"@nteract/commutable": "7.5.1",
"@nteract/connected-components": "6.8.2",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"@types/mkdirp": "1.0.1",
"@types/node-fetch": "2.5.7",
"@xmldom/xmldom": "0.7.13",
"@xterm/xterm": "5.5.0",
"allotment": "1.20.2",
"applicationinsights": "1.8.0",
"bootstrap": "3.4.1",
Expand Down
33 changes: 18 additions & 15 deletions src/Explorer/Explorer.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -906,25 +906,28 @@ export default class Explorer {

public async openNotebookTerminal(kind: ViewModels.TerminalKind): Promise<void> {
if (useNotebook.getState().isPhoenixFeatures) {
await this.allocateContainer(PoolIdType.DefaultPoolId);
const notebookServerInfo = useNotebook.getState().notebookServerInfo;
if (notebookServerInfo && notebookServerInfo.notebookServerEndpoint !== undefined) {
} else {
"Failed to connect",
"Failed to connect to temporary workspace. This could happen because of network issues. Please refresh the page and try again.",

if (userContext.features.enableCloudShell || !useNotebook.getState().isPhoenixFeatures) {

await this.allocateContainer(PoolIdType.DefaultPoolId);
const notebookServerInfo = useNotebook.getState().notebookServerInfo;

if (notebookServerInfo?.notebookServerEndpoint) {
} else {
"Failed to connect",
"Failed to connect to temporary workspace. This could happen because of network issues. Please refresh the page and try again."

private connectToNotebookTerminal(kind: ViewModels.TerminalKind): void {
private connectToTerminal(kind: ViewModels.TerminalKind): void {
let title: string;

switch (kind) {
Expand Down
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/AttachAddOn.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

import { IDisposable, ITerminalAddon, Terminal } from 'xterm';

interface IAttachOptions {
bidirectional?: boolean;

export class AttachAddon implements ITerminalAddon {
private _socket: WebSocket;
private _bidirectional: boolean;
private _disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
private _socketData: string;

constructor(socket: WebSocket, options?: IAttachOptions) {
this._socket = socket;
// always set binary type to arraybuffer, we do not handle blobs
this._socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
this._bidirectional = !(options && options.bidirectional === false);
this._socketData = '';

public activate(terminal: Terminal): void {
addSocketListener(this._socket, 'message', ev => {
let data: ArrayBuffer | string =;
const startStatusJson = 'ie_us';
const endStatusJson = 'ie_ue';

if (typeof data === 'object') {
const enc = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
data = enc.decode( as any);

Check failure on line 34 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/AttachAddOn.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

Unexpected any. Specify a different type

// for example of json object look in TerminalHelper in the socket.onMessage
if (data.includes(startStatusJson) && data.includes(endStatusJson)) {
// process as one line
const statusData = data.split(startStatusJson)[1].split(endStatusJson)[0];
data = data.replace(statusData, '');
data = data.replace(startStatusJson, '');
data = data.replace(endStatusJson, '');
} else if (data.includes(startStatusJson)) {
// check for start
const partialStatusData = data.split(startStatusJson)[1];
this._socketData += partialStatusData;
data = data.replace(partialStatusData, '');
data = data.replace(startStatusJson, '');
} else if (data.includes(endStatusJson)) {
// check for end and process the command
const partialStatusData = data.split(endStatusJson)[0];
this._socketData += partialStatusData;
data = data.replace(partialStatusData, '');
data = data.replace(endStatusJson, '');
this._socketData = '';
} else if (this._socketData.length > 0) {
// check if the line is all data then just concatenate
this._socketData += data;
data = '';

if (this._bidirectional) {
this._disposables.push(terminal.onData(data => this._sendData(data)));
this._disposables.push(terminal.onBinary(data => this._sendBinary(data)));

this._disposables.push(addSocketListener(this._socket, 'close', () => this.dispose()));
this._disposables.push(addSocketListener(this._socket, 'error', () => this.dispose()));

public dispose(): void {
for (const d of this._disposables) {

private _sendData(data: string): void {
if (!this._checkOpenSocket()) {

private _sendBinary(data: string): void {
if (!this._checkOpenSocket()) {
const buffer = new Uint8Array(data.length);
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer[i] = data.charCodeAt(i) & 255;

private _checkOpenSocket(): boolean {
switch (this._socket.readyState) {
case WebSocket.OPEN:
return true;
case WebSocket.CONNECTING:
throw new Error('Attach addon was loaded before socket was open');
case WebSocket.CLOSING:
return false;
case WebSocket.CLOSED:
throw new Error('Attach addon socket is closed');
throw new Error('Unexpected socket state');

function addSocketListener<K extends keyof WebSocketEventMap>(socket: WebSocket, type: K, handler: (this: WebSocket, ev: WebSocketEventMap[K]) => any): IDisposable {

Check failure on line 115 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/AttachAddOn.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

Unexpected any. Specify a different type
socket.addEventListener(type, handler);
return {
dispose: () => {
if (!handler) {
// Already disposed
socket.removeEventListener(type, handler);
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import { configContext } from "../../../ConfigContext";
import { armRequest } from "../../../Utils/arm/request";
import { Authorization, ConnectTerminalResponse, NetworkType, OsType, ProvisionConsoleResponse, SessionType, Settings, ShellType } from "./DataModels";

const cloudshellToken = "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6ImltaTBZMnowZFlLeEJ0dEFxS19UdDVoWUJUayIsImtpZCI6ImltaTBZMnowZFlLeEJ0dEFxS19UdDVoWUJUayJ9.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.LBYpLSmj8Cd-ZL3i9yuqVvPB0CirALEq7ldFywDH2U5c9LlnUfLgOf_C_N0Uu0ChthTl9Eu54TXuGCxFXwfVSg_kaPuZhtc-vDqVurjHtyNr-53qKg8fbQYbOnB_JGqC86TzdqPRv1XwhZj9C2bNjjGZ2GrcOWitv8CgM9Fs9Cul1OHiq5j8BTJl8OX_THC-VUB11fB-5qyitH9pTtETC4o7AKg4fOHftXYDkFI0gVF_WCZoquI6kFEnoQtt_qhu4rK71VqVRt5qqBeT8tgH4GwsP2W7pBlzESdjSXWMJ5u7klXJwheYvuytrxioD1f0HCOLHyBFpVf5JTBBeXjPow";

export const validateUserSettings = (userSettings: Settings) => {
if (userSettings.sessionType !== SessionType.Ephemeral && userSettings.osType !== OsType.Linux) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

// (Is it possible to wrap a function and retain its types?)
export const trackedApiCall = <T extends Array<any>, U>(apiCall: (...args: T) => Promise<U>, name: string) => {

Check failure on line 21 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

Unexpected any. Specify a different type

Check failure on line 21 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

'name' is defined but never used
return async (...args: T): Promise<U> => {
const startTime =;

Check failure on line 23 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

'startTime' is assigned a value but never used
const result = await apiCall(...args);
const endTime =;

Check failure on line 25 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

'endTime' is assigned a value but never used
return result;

export const getUserRegion = trackedApiCall(async (subscriptionId: string, resourceGroup: string, accountName: string) => {
return await armRequest({
host: configContext.ARM_ENDPOINT,
path: `/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/${accountName}`,
method: "GET",
apiVersion: "2022-12-01"

}, "getUserRegion");

export const getUserSettings = trackedApiCall(async (): Promise<Settings> => {
const resp = await armRequest<any>({

Check failure on line 41 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

Unexpected any. Specify a different type
host: configContext.ARM_ENDPOINT,
path: `/providers/Microsoft.Portal/userSettings/cloudconsole`,
method: "GET",
apiVersion: "2023-02-01-preview",
customHeaders: {
"Authorization": cloudshellToken // Temporily use a hardcoded token

return {
location: resp?.properties?.preferredLocation,
sessionType: resp?.properties?.sessionType,
osType: resp?.properties?.preferredOsType
}, "getUserSettings");

export const putEphemeralUserSettings = trackedApiCall(async (userSubscriptionId: string, userRegion: string) => {
const ephemeralSettings = {
properties: {
preferredOsType: OsType.Linux,
preferredShellType: ShellType.Bash,
preferredLocation: userRegion,
networkType: NetworkType.Default,
sessionType: SessionType.Ephemeral,
userSubscription: userSubscriptionId,

const resp = await armRequest({
host: configContext.ARM_ENDPOINT,
path: `/providers/Microsoft.Portal/userSettings/cloudconsole`,
method: "PUT",
apiVersion: "2023-02-01-preview",
body: ephemeralSettings,
customHeaders: {
"Authorization": cloudshellToken // Temporily use a hardcoded token

return resp;

}, "putEphemeralUserSettings");

export const verifyCloudshellProviderRegistration = async(subscriptionId: string) => {
return await armRequest({
host: configContext.ARM_ENDPOINT,
path: `/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.CloudShell`,
method: "GET",
apiVersion: "2022-12-01",
customHeaders: {
"Authorization": cloudshellToken // Temporily use a hardcoded token

export const registerCloudShellProvider = async (subscriptionId: string) => {
return await armRequest({
host: configContext.ARM_ENDPOINT,
path: `/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.CloudShell/register`,
method: "POST",
apiVersion: "2022-12-01",
customHeaders: {
"Authorization": cloudshellToken // Temporily use a hardcoded token

export const provisionConsole = trackedApiCall(async (subscriptionId: string, location: string): Promise<ProvisionConsoleResponse> => {
const data = {
properties: {
osType: OsType.Linux

return await armRequest<any>({

Check failure on line 116 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Lint

Unexpected any. Specify a different type
host: configContext.ARM_ENDPOINT,
path: `providers/Microsoft.Portal/consoles/default`,
method: "PUT",
apiVersion: "2023-02-01-preview",
customHeaders: {
'x-ms-console-preferred-location': location,
"Authorization": cloudshellToken // Temporily use a hardcoded token
body: data,
}, "provisionConsole");

export const connectTerminal = trackedApiCall(async (consoleUri: string, size: { rows: number, cols: number }): Promise<ConnectTerminalResponse> => {
const targetUri = consoleUri + `/terminals?cols=${size.cols}&rows=${size.rows}&version=2019-01-01&shell=bash`;
const resp = await fetch(targetUri, {
method: "post",
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': '2',
'Authorization': cloudshellToken,
'x-ms-client-request-id': uuidv4(),
'Accept-Language': getLocale(),
body: "{}" // empty body is necessary
return resp.json();
}, "connectTerminal");

export const authorizeSession = trackedApiCall(async (consoleUri: string): Promise<Authorization> => {
const targetUri = consoleUri + "/authorize";
const resp = await fetch(targetUri, {
method: "post",
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': cloudshellToken,
'Accept-Language': getLocale(),
"Content-Type": 'application/json'
body: "{}" // empty body is necessary
return resp.json();
}, "authorizeSession");

export const getLocale = () => {
const langLocale = navigator.language;
return (langLocale && langLocale.length === 2 ? langLocale[1] : 'en-us');

const validCloudShellRegions = new Set(["westus", "southcentralus", "eastus", "northeurope", "westeurope", "centralindia", "southeastasia", "westcentralus"]);

export const getNormalizedRegion = (region: string, defaultCloudshellRegion: string) => {
if (!region) return defaultCloudshellRegion;

Check failure on line 169 in src/Explorer/Tabs/CloudShellTab/Data.tsx

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GitHub Actions / Lint

Expected { after 'if' condition

const regionMap: Record<string, string> = {
"centralus": "westcentralus",
"eastus2": "eastus"

const normalizedRegion = regionMap[region.toLowerCase()] || region;
return validCloudShellRegions.has(normalizedRegion.toLowerCase()) ? normalizedRegion : defaultCloudshellRegion;
