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Running Python longhaul on Horton
- Horton only runs on Python 3.7+
- Horton tests are async/await, but glue allows us to test callback clients by wrapping them in async wrappers.
- We can test Python3.7+ by loading azure-iot-device directy in the pytest process (called python_inproc)
- To test 2.7 to 3.6, we need to load azure-iot-device into a host process with a REST interface. This is most commonly inside a Docker container.
- We can run python_inproc tests on Windows or Linux.
- We can run REST-based tests on Linux
If you have a favorite method for installing this (conda, etc), use this. If not, you can run source scripts/setup/build_python.sh
. This installs the GNU toolchain, builds Python 3.7 (using pyenv), and creates a virtual env (using virtualenv) to run it.
Horton uses a Pythion virtual environment (using virtualenv). If you don't see (horton)
in your prompt string, your envionment is not correct.
On Linux, run source bin/activate_horton
. This will create the Horton virtual environment, install libraries, and update the path. If successful, you should be greeted with Horton environment activated
and your prompt should contain (horton)
(Python-3.7.1) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ source bin/activate_horton
~/repos/e2e-fx ~/repos/e2e-fx ~/repos/e2e-fx ~
Initializing horton environment
checking for python 3.7+
<<-- snip -->>
installing required python libraries
Horton environment activated
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$
On Windows, run bin\activate_horton.cmd
. This uses nuget to download Python 3.8.1 and virtualenv to make a virtual environment to run Horton in.
(You might need to download nuget.exe from https://www.nuget.org/downloads in order to make this work.)
Again, you should be greeted with Horton environment activated
and your prompt should contain (horton)
Initializing horton environment
Installing Python 3.8.1
Feeds used:
Activating virtual environment
Installing horton libraries
Horton environment activated
(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos\e2e-fx>
Every time you use Horton, you have to run activate_horton
to enter the environment. It will be faster the second time.
If you want to run tests using Docker containers(for everything except Python 3.7+), you need to install the docker engine and a local container repository. You need to set these environment variables
and you need to run docker login
to authenticate with the container repository. There's a script for this in scripts/setup/docker_login.sh
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx/scripts/setup$ ./docker-login.sh
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/bertk/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx/scripts/setup$
If you're testing Python without docker, you need to install the azure-iot-device libraries (and dependencies) into your Horton environment. Go into the root of your Python repo and run python env_setup.py --no_dev
. (no_dev is optional -- it just makes it a little faster and removes some warnings.)
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/python$ python env_setup.py --no_dev
Executing: install --upgrade pip
Successfully installed azure-iothub-provisioningserviceclient-1.2.0 coverage-5.1 flake8-3.8.3 mccabe-0.6.1 mock-4.0.2 pycodestyle-2.6.0 pyflakes-2.2.0 pytest-5.4.3 pytest-asyncio-0.14.0 pytest-cov-2.10.0 pytest-mock-1.10.4
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/python$
This is where you create iothub devices, etc, that you're going to test against. First, you need to set IOTHUB_E2E_CONNECTION_STRING
to point to your hub. (Use export
on Linux and add double quotes around the valyue. You know the drill by now.)
(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos\e2e-fx>set IOTHUB_E2E_CONNECTION_STRING=HostName=READACTED;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=REDACTED
To run python_inproc, run horton deploy iothub python_inproc
(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos>horton deploy iothub python_inproc
clearing test_module object
clearing friend_module object
clearing iotedge object
clearing test_device object
clearing leaf_device object
Creating new device on hub bertk-edge.azure-devices.net
creating device machine_name_HLE_572_test_device
creating module machine_name_HLE_572_test_device/testMod
(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos>
Or, to run in a container, run horton deploy iothub lkg --language=node
(or pythonv2
, c
, csharp
, or java
). The lkg
parameter tells the script to download an image containing the last build that passed nightly tests.
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ horton deploy iothub lkg --language=node
Using LKG image: node-e2e-v3:lkg
running [sudo -n docker run -d -p 8099:8080 -p 8199:22 -p 8140:8040 --name testMod --restart=on-failure:10 --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_RAW REDACTED/node-e2e-v3:lkg]
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$
If using docker, you should see the container running:
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ docker ps
f94e37a44749 iotsdke2e.azurecr.io/node-e2e-v3:lkg "/usr/local/bin/node…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 9229/tcp,>22/tcp,>8040/tcp,>8080/tcp testMod
663b947a5994 registry:2 "/entrypoint.sh /etc…" 3 weeks ago Up 3 weeks>5000/tcp registry
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$
(There are many more ways to run horton deploy
Finally, you need to update credentials so the test-runner can find them. Run horton get_credentials
. you need to do this no matter how or where you run Horton. Eventually this will be automatic.
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ horton get_credentials
Added connection string for test_device device bertk-hp_CGO_248_test_device
Added connection string for test_module module bertk-hp_CGO_248_test_device,testMod
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$
(Details from this point forward are very likely to change in the near future)
Edit test_runner\test_longhaul.py
and look for the test config at the top of the file. Currently it looks like this:
desired_node_config = {
"test_config": {
"d2c": {
"enabled": True,
"interval": 1,
"ops_per_interval": 10,
"slow_send_threshold": "0:00:02",
"slow_send_and_receive_threshold": "0:00:05",
"scenario": "test_longhaul_d2c_simple",
"total_duration": "0:05:00",
(Ignore the word "node" in the name. It's meaningless.)
This says:
- We want to run D2C 10 times ever 1 second.
- If the send (PUBLISH->PUBACK) takes more than 2 seconds, it's considered a "slow send".
- If it takes more than 5 seconds to do PUBLISH->PUBACK and see the results in EventHub, that's considered a "slow send and receive".
- The test is set to run for 5 minutes.
- (The scenario name is meaningless (for now at least))
To run this test, run pytest --scenario=iothub_device-stress -k test_longhaul -s -x
As this runs, you should see reported properties update every 5 seconds, and you should see every telemetry message carrying the "progress" subset of this structure. This structure is defined in longhaul_config.py
For a recent run that went for over 4 days and had lots of problems, the reported properties look like this:
"reported": {
"progress": {
"status": "running",
"total_duration": "4 days, 3:59:59",
"active_objects": 147,
"elapsed_time": "2 days, 18:01:55.551033",
"fiftieth_percentile_send_and_receive_latency": 14.482652,
"fiftieth_percentile_send_latency": 5.472373,
"mean_send_and_receive_latency": 15.461572426299414,
"mean_send_latency": 5.721816537557754,
"ops_completed": 218560,
"ops_slow_send": 205677,
"ops_slow_send_and_receive": 182025,
"start_time": "2020-06-25 15:21:54.781014",
"ops_waiting_to_complete": 46139,
"ops_waiting_to_send": 1
"test_config": {
"d2c": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 1,
"ops_per_interval": 10,
"slow_send_and_receive_threshold": "0:00:05",
"slow_send_threshold": "0:00:02"
"scenario": "test_longhaul_d2c_simple",
"total_duration": "4 days, 3:59:59"
"test_stats": {
"d2c": {
"fiftieth_percentile_send_and_receive_latency": 14.482652,
"fiftieth_percentile_send_latency": 5.472373,
"mean_send_and_receive_latency": 15.461572426299414,
"mean_send_latency": 5.721816537557754,
"ops_completed": 218560,
"ops_slow_send": 205677,
"ops_slow_send_and_receive": 182025,
"ops_waiting_to_complete": 46139,
"ops_waiting_to_send": 1
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