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Running Python longhaul on Horton

Bert Kleewein edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

The details

  • Horton only runs on Python 3.7+
  • Horton tests are async/await, but glue allows us to test callback clients by wrapping them in async wrappers.
  • We can test Python3.7+ by loading azure-iot-device directy in the pytest process (called python_inproc)
  • To test 2.7 to 3.6, we need to load azure-iot-device into a host process with a REST interface. This is most commonly inside a Docker container.
  • We can run python_inproc tests on Windows or Linux.
  • We can run REST-based tests on Linux

Step 1: (Linux only): install/build Python 3.7

If you have a favorite method for installing this (conda, etc), use this. If not, you can run source scripts/setup/ This installs the GNU toolchain, builds Python 3.7 (using pyenv), and creates a virtual env (using virtualenv) to run it.

Step 2: Activate horton environment.

Horton uses a Pythion virtual environment (using virtualenv). If you don't see (horton) in your prompt string, your envionment is not correct.

On Linux, run source bin/activate_horton. This will create the Horton virtual environment, install libraries, and update the path. If successful, you should be greeted with Horton environment activated and your prompt should contain (horton).

(Python-3.7.1) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ source bin/activate_horton
~/repos/e2e-fx ~/repos/e2e-fx ~/repos/e2e-fx ~
Initializing horton environment
checking for python 3.7+
<<-- snip -->>
installing required python libraries
Horton environment activated
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$

On Windows, run bin\activate_horton.cmd. This uses nuget to download Python 3.8.1 and virtualenv to make a virtual environment to run Horton in.

(You might need to download nuget.exe from in order to make this work.)

Again, you should be greeted with Horton environment activated and your prompt should contain (horton).

Initializing horton environment
Installing Python 3.8.1
Feeds used:
Activating virtual environment
Installing horton libraries
Horton environment activated

(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos\e2e-fx>

Every time you use Horton, you have to run activate_horton to enter the environment. It will be faster the second time.

Step 3: Install docker (Linux only)

If you want to run tests using Docker containers(for everything except Python 3.7+), you need to install the docker engine and a local container repository. You need to set these environment variables


and you need to run docker login to authenticate with the container repository. There's a script for this in scripts/setup/

(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx/scripts/setup$ ./
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/bertk/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx/scripts/setup$

Step 4: Install azure-iot-device, etc. (Python only)

If you're testing Python without docker, you need to install the azure-iot-device libraries (and dependencies) into your Horton environment. Go into the root of your Python repo and run python --no_dev. (no_dev is optional -- it just makes it a little faster and removes some warnings.)

(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/python$ python --no_dev
Executing: install --upgrade pip
Successfully installed azure-iothub-provisioningserviceclient-1.2.0 coverage-5.1 flake8-3.8.3 mccabe-0.6.1 mock-4.0.2 pycodestyle-2.6.0 pyflakes-2.2.0 pytest-5.4.3 pytest-asyncio-0.14.0 pytest-cov-2.10.0 pytest-mock-1.10.4

(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/python$

Step 5: deploy

This is where you create iothub devices, etc, that you're going to test against. First, you need to set IOTHUB_E2E_CONNECTION_STRING to point to your hub. (Use export on Linux and add double quotes around the valyue. You know the drill by now.)

(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos\e2e-fx>set IOTHUB_E2E_CONNECTION_STRING=HostName=READACTED;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=REDACTED

To run python_inproc, run horton deploy iothub python_inproc

(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos>horton deploy iothub python_inproc
clearing test_module object
clearing friend_module object
clearing iotedge object
clearing test_device object
clearing leaf_device object
Creating new device on hub
creating device machine_name_HLE_572_test_device
creating module machine_name_HLE_572_test_device/testMod

(horton) C:\Users\bertk\repos>

Or, to run in a container, run horton deploy iothub lkg --language=node (or pythonv2, c, csharp, or java). The lkg parameter tells the script to download an image containing the last build that passed nightly tests.

(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ horton deploy iothub lkg --language=node
Using LKG image: node-e2e-v3:lkg
running [sudo -n docker run -d -p 8099:8080 -p 8199:22 -p 8140:8040 --name testMod --restart=on-failure:10 --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_RAW REDACTED/node-e2e-v3:lkg]
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$

If using docker, you should see the container running:

(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                            NAMES
f94e37a44749   "/usr/local/bin/node…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes        9229/tcp,>22/tcp,>8040/tcp,>8080/tcp   testMod
663b947a5994        registry:2                             "/ /etc…"   3 weeks ago         Up 3 weeks>5000/tcp                                                           registry
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$

(There are many more ways to run horton deploy.)

Finally, you need to update credentials so the test-runner can find them. Run horton get_credentials. you need to do this no matter how or where you run Horton. Eventually this will be automatic.

(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$ horton get_credentials
Added connection string for test_device device bertk-hp_CGO_248_test_device
Added connection string for test_module module bertk-hp_CGO_248_test_device,testMod
(horton) bertk@bertk-hp:~/repos/e2e-fx$

Step 6: change longhaul parameters

(Details from this point forward are very likely to change in the near future)

Edit test_runner\ and look for the test config at the top of the file. Currently it looks like this:

desired_node_config = {
    "test_config": {
        "d2c": {
            "enabled": True,
            "interval": 1,
            "ops_per_interval": 10,
            "slow_send_threshold": "0:00:02",
            "slow_send_and_receive_threshold": "0:00:05",
        "scenario": "test_longhaul_d2c_simple",
        "total_duration": "0:05:00",

(Ignore the word "node" in the name. It's meaningless.)

This says:

  • We want to run D2C 10 times ever 1 second.
  • If the send (PUBLISH->PUBACK) takes more than 2 seconds, it's considered a "slow send".
  • If it takes more than 5 seconds to do PUBLISH->PUBACK and see the results in EventHub, that's considered a "slow send and receive".
  • The test is set to run for 5 minutes.
  • (The scenario name is meaningless (for now at least))

To run this test, run pytest --scenario=iothub_device-stress -k test_longhaul -s -x

As this runs, you should see reported properties update every 5 seconds, and you should see every telemetry message carrying the "progress" subset of this structure. This structure is defined in

For a recent run that went for over 4 days and had lots of problems, the reported properties look like this:

"reported": {
      "progress": {
        "status": "running",
        "total_duration": "4 days, 3:59:59",
        "active_objects": 147,
        "elapsed_time": "2 days, 18:01:55.551033",
        "fiftieth_percentile_send_and_receive_latency": 14.482652,
        "fiftieth_percentile_send_latency": 5.472373,
        "mean_send_and_receive_latency": 15.461572426299414,
        "mean_send_latency": 5.721816537557754,
        "ops_completed": 218560,
        "ops_slow_send": 205677,
        "ops_slow_send_and_receive": 182025,
        "start_time": "2020-06-25 15:21:54.781014",
        "ops_waiting_to_complete": 46139,
        "ops_waiting_to_send": 1
      "test_config": {
        "d2c": {
          "enabled": true,
          "interval": 1,
          "ops_per_interval": 10,
          "slow_send_and_receive_threshold": "0:00:05",
          "slow_send_threshold": "0:00:02"
        "scenario": "test_longhaul_d2c_simple",
        "total_duration": "4 days, 3:59:59"
      "test_stats": {
        "d2c": {
          "fiftieth_percentile_send_and_receive_latency": 14.482652,
          "fiftieth_percentile_send_latency": 5.472373,
          "mean_send_and_receive_latency": 15.461572426299414,
          "mean_send_latency": 5.721816537557754,
          "ops_completed": 218560,
          "ops_slow_send": 205677,
          "ops_slow_send_and_receive": 182025,
          "ops_waiting_to_complete": 46139,
          "ops_waiting_to_send": 1
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