- Multithreading download with python
- Modify from https://code.activestate.com/recipes/578220-multithreading-downloader-class/
pip install dumpy
pido.py -h
usage: pido.py [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE] [-s n] [-t n]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL download link
-f FILE, --file FILE download links in a file
-s n, --timeout n set timeout (default is 30s)
-t n, --thread n set threads [8,16,32,64...](default is 16)
python pido.py -u "http://f90.x8top.net/2107tmp/cf/soft/2018/9/ba/1/vlc-3.0.4-win32.exe"
[+] Set timeout to 30 seconds
[+] Downloading to vlc-3.0.4-win32.exe...
[+] Running 32 processes...
38.35 MB / 38.35 MB [######################] [100.00%]
[+] File is downloaded.
python pido.py -f "path\\to\\downloadlinks.txt"