🔭 Currently Working On:
Building decentralized applications (dApps) with Ethereum, Polkadot, and Web3 integration. Enhancing full-stack skills with React, Node.js, and Python. -
🌱 Currently Learning:
Blockchain scalability solutions (Layer 2, ZKPs), advanced web development tools like Next.js, TypeScript, and Web3.js. -
👯 Looking to Collaborate On:
DeFi projects, NFT ecosystems, and bridging blockchain with modern web technologies. -
🤔 Looking for Help With:
Optimizing smart contracts for gas fees, transaction speeds, and building user-friendly dApps. -
💬 Ask Me About:
Blockchain architecture, smart contracts (Solidity), Ethereum, Polkadot, React, Web3.js, and building secure, scalable web applications. -
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun Fact:
I built a decentralized voting system using Ethereum that was successfully tested in real-world scenarios!
Decentralized Applications Enthusiast | Blockchain Developer | Full-Stack Engineer
I genuinely enjoy connecting with new people, so if you'd like to say hi, I'd be delighted to get to know you better! 😊